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Stellantis Germany: Lars Bialkowski Shares Plans for the Future in Exclusive Interview

Lars Bialkowski leads Stellantis in Germany. In an interview with HORIZONT he explains his plans

In January of this year, Lars Bialkowski took over the management of Stellantis. Since then, the top manager has continued to develop the French multi-brand group and its offering. Among other things, Stellantis is investing in marketing and building its own marketing machine. The car fan explains in an interview why, what role the individual brands have and why the company sees the current situation as an opportunity.

Mr. Bialkowski, the German car market has seen better times. How do you assess the current situation? The German car market is now

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2023-09-12 23:35:42
#Stellantis #Germany #boss #Bialkowski #brands #maximum #independence #HORIZONT

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