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Stellantis closes, the reasons for the production stop | The crisis linked to a known reason

The incredible inconveniences in the Italian production of Stellantis continue. A production stop that is forcing thousands of workers home and some factories to stop. The cause is linked to the continuous supply problems of the various parts and materials.

Stellar and the inconveniences in production. A story that has been going on for quite some time now. The causes are related to the few resources available as regards components and materials. The fact is that many factories are delaying production enormously and others, even, have been – and still are – forced to close for some periods.


The journalist Bianca Carretto in the ‘Corriere della Sera’ in an examination of the situation of Stellantis wonders how he does “The fourth world car manufacturer to fail to organize itself, once again unloading the cost of this umpteenth stop in the pockets of workers”. And the perplexity is absolutely legitimate. Workers are on a war footing and Stellantis is planning to send home over 1,800 employees by the end of the year on our territory. But what has happened in the last few hours?

Other closures and locks

The news of the last few days is not only about the usual problems with the supply of materials, but also about something even more radical. Indeed, two other Italian Stellantis factories were forced to drastic temporary closure in recent days, waiting for an improvement in the situation. We refer to plants of Melfi, in Basilicata, and of Sevel, in Abruzzo.

For a long time now, several factories have been facing a difficult and increasingly unsustainable situation for many employees. And the staff reduction is already underway and will continue in the coming months. Coming to cold numbers, employees have dropped from 50,000 and 800 in 2021 to 49,000 by the end of this season. And the number could still drop in 2023.

What pieces are missing?

The lack of materials, as mentioned, is the cause of these Stellantis production delays. But which pieces are not available at the moment? The obvious thing is the lack of semiconductorsof the chip and of control units. This is a general problem, which affects all major world brands. But there would be moreaccording to the testimonies of some employees of the Italian Stellantis factories.

Stellantis delays closing 15 September 2022 quattromania.it
Stellantis: production delays and closures continue

An employee of Pomigliano, for example, – in addition to the materials mentioned above – informs that other pieces are also missing. These are his words: “There are also pieces that have nothing to do with the electric. For example, sleepers, fuel pipes, springs, luggage racks, brackets ”.

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