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Stefanos Kasselakis / “Efi Ahtsioglou talked about fake sms and immoral distortions – I believe her completely”

“In SYRIZA I have competitors, not opponents” notes the SYRIZA-PS president candidate in his post

With suspension of at social media was placed on the allegations of his co-candidacy for the presidency of SYRIZA – Progressive Alliance on Stefanos Kasselakis.

“In SYRIZA I have competitors, not opponents.

Efi Ahtsioglou talked about a fake sms circulating on the internet and about immoral distortions. He sent an extrajudicial letter. I totally believe her.

I want to clarify again:
In SYRIZA I have competitors, not opponents.

People who from Monday will be together in the battle to bring down the Mitsotakis regime.
I respect and honor Efi Ahtsioglou and she has a big role to play in our common goal.

Personally, I have received the greatest possible attacks.
From the media of the system, but even from those of the party, as a candidate who does not have the umbrella of protection of the party tube.
And from Maximus himself, who is fighting me furiously before I was even elected.

I am here to face all attacks.
And crush them one by one.
But let everyone know that I will be a shield of protection for my competitors.

Monday 9/25/23

We are a fist.
And we are with the light.”

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