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Stefan Mross talks about his children on “Immer wieder sonntags”

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Stefan Mross usually keeps a low profile when it comes to his private life – especially when it comes to his children. But he made an exception for “Immer wieder sonntags”.

Rust – On Sunday (25 August) viewers were able to enjoy a new edition of “Immer wieder sonntags”. In this, host Stefan Mross (48) suddenly showed his private side and made his children the topic. In doing so, he emphasized something that is particularly close to his heart.

Emotional father-daughter duet on “Immer wieder sonntags”

Summer, sunshine and good music: The audience got their money’s worth at “Immer wieder sonntags”. Among others, the young pop singer Luna Klee (18) provided the best musical entertainment. After her performance, she chatted to host Stefan Mross. Her father Jens joined her later.

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The three spoke about the young pop singer’s childhood and career. The father-daughter duo also performed their song “Schau mal herein”. But before the two were allowed to go on stage together, Stefan Mross explained the meaning of the song to his audience: “It’s about the fact that the doors are always open. No matter for whom – for your children.”

“Immer wieder sonntags” host Stefan Mross always wants to be there for his children

The moderator also seems to think this is very important. “I have to say that’s the same for me. It would be terrible if it weren’t so. Come along […]. We talk about ourselves, how are you? – to say thank you,” emphasises Stefan Mross in the show. The 48-year-old has three children from two women: his first marriage to singer Stefanie Hertel, who was most recently in the star kitchen on “Immer wieder sonntags”, produced a daughter, Johanna (22). With his second wife Susanne he had a son, Valentin, and a daughter, Paula.

Stefan Mross usually keeps quiet about his private life – especially when it comes to his children. But he made an exception for “Immer wieder sonntags”. © Screenshots “Immer wieder sonntags” (edition of August 25th)

The popular pop singer Melissa Naschenweng (34) was also a guest on the show and threw Stefan Mross into a tailspin with an explosive question. Sources used: Every Sunday (edition of 25 August), bunte.de

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