game related
An orthodox falling notes type + variable lane sound gameis not it. It’s interesting.
This sound game“Muse Dash” is suitable for gamers who have got the hang of similar games to some extentI think. “Muse Dash” was a 2-lane horizontal type incorporating a simple system that welcomes beginners, but this6+1 (+1 means variable lane) Lane vertical typeis. It consists of 4 blue lanes + 2 red lanes + 1 gate lane (repeatingly, 1 variable lane). There are 4 difficulty levels for each song,Comet ☞ Nova ☞ Super Nova ☞ Quasarand go up. Well, from a serious sound gamer’s point of view, “It’s too easy! But for null sound gamers like us, I think it’s quite difficult. One variable lane is troublesome, and it is required to push red lane and blue lane at the same time, keep pushing in a complicated way, and clear consecutive notes, so for those who are completely new to sound games I can’t recommend it enough.but thisThe existence of variable lanes is unique and brings plasticity to the game, so it’s fun to play that muchis. If you can feel your progress, you won’t get tired of clearing each song one by one.
Touhou songs are also included, and there are songs that are also used in other music games, so it can’t be helped that the songs overlap.neverthelessContains many unique songsA good impression. Mr. Noa’s Vocaloid masterpiece“Gray Road”And so on. I think that they deliberately choose songs that are unusual and songs that don’t get much attention as much as possible.well, the songIn-game points = currency ARKKThere is a part that unlocks with , and a part that unlocks by purchasing DLC. It seems that ARKK can be obtained by clearing a song with a certain number of points, completing a full contest, or as a game launch reward. Also, as a matter of course, there are many songs, so you can quickly find the assigned songs by categorizing them. Also called EA,It seems that more songs will be installedSo I’m looking forward to it, and it should be a game that I can play for a long time.
Select the difficulty level from 4 levels as described abovetravel modeIn addition to the,adventure mode(Story mode) is also in the works. Why is the normal default mode called travel mode? As for , this is only because it has a space voyage theme. In particular, even though it’s called a space voyage, it’s not the kind of thing where the rocket effects stand out, or there’s a lot of space-related drawings. You can treat it as a normal sound game.Another mode implemented islicense test(probably equivalent to the part called Outer Space in the Switch version), and there is a system called rank certification,UNITY modeThere seems to be a de facto co-op mode that takes advantage of the convenience of the network. This is a network of loose connections, and it seems to be a special point of the system that you can easily cooperate with others. There are various ingenuity,Designed to keep you from getting boredI know how.
In-game points = currency ARKKbuy skinsYou can also use it for This is an element that greatly decorates the interface in the game, so to speak, it is like a bonus. Some skins say, ‘This game is different, isn’t it? ‘, the impression changes quite a bit.Profile icons, banners, emoticons (emotions)can also be used to purchaseBy increasing the customizability of skins and interfaces, we have realized a colorful game production.reason.
That’s pretty much it for the overview of the game.A game that is creative and ingenious even among music games, and has a uniqueness that is different from music games for orthodox core gamers.I think.It seems that it is still in the EA period and will be discounted in the next spring saleBefore the price rises after escaping from EA, it is also a good idea to take a look and buy it.I think that. it’s recommended.
*Please note that there are differences between the Steam version and the Switch version!