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Stay vigilant against septoria and fusarium wilt with the rains

mar. May 18, 2021 at 11:57 AM

Benedict Clement

Terre-net Media

The return of the rains is beneficial for crops but also favorable to diseases, in particular to sclerotinia on oilseed rape which are at the drop stage of the first petals, and on wheat, to septoria and in the most advanced plots, to fusarium wilt. ears of corn. Insect pressure remains limited by the cool temperatures.

Also assess the disease risk on common wheat in your region with the Arvalis barometer. (© Emmanuel Bonnin / Twitter) LoadingReview also> The soft wheat disease barometer from Arvalis-Institut du Plant> Rapeseed flowering problems: multifactorial reasons> Sowing rapeseed in 2021? Start thinking now about the implementation of the # wheat ?? > stage # heading. #septoriosis on F4. The other 3 are healthy. In 8 days, the stamens will come out (End of flowering) A little water ?? in the wheel arches ??. Left for 96q as in # harvest2019 in #Oregrain? # ValdeSaône # pK362 limit 21/71 It’s very pretty! ?? pic.twitter.com/pNDEtKOWJm— Emmanuel BONNIN (@ BONNIN1402) May 15, 2021 The power of #colza is impressive, the result was not won! #ceuxquifontlhuile @ColzaDifferent #huile #agriculture @monde_agricole @Agridemain pic.twitter.com/CKAfN0Kd6k— Jordan Lécrivain (@Joordyyy) May 17, 2021

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