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Status of the Deutschlandticket Job Ticket Offered by Large Listed Companies and Concerns over Future Financing

Hamburg, October 27, 23 – Six months after the introduction of the Deutschlandticket, a good half of the large listed companies are offering their employees the nationwide public transport subscription as a discounted job ticket. In response to a Greenpeace query among the 90 companies listed in the Dax and MDax, 46 confirmed that they were offering the Deutschlandticket, which was introduced at the beginning of May, as a job ticket. The funding varies significantly. The sporting goods manufacturer Puma or the insurer Hannover Re, for example, cover the full costs, and their employees receive the regular 49 euro ticket free of charge. Companies like BASF, Continental and SAP pay an employer subsidy of 25 percent, which the federal government tops up by 5 percent, so that employees receive the D-Ticket for 34.30 euros per month. Of the companies surveyed, 31 do not yet offer a D-Ticket job ticket, and 12 did not respond. The results of the query online here:

When asked about their wishes for improvements to the Deutschlandticket, the companies by far most frequently cited “planning security” (13 responses). They want to know whether the ticket will still exist next year, what it costs and what contribution companies have to make. Federal Transport Minister Volker Wissing (FDP) and the states have been arguing for weeks about the future financing of the Deutschlandticket. The states are offering to continue covering half of the additional costs of an estimated 400 million euros next year. Minister Wissing has so far refused to make such a commitment to the federal government, thereby creating uncertainty about the conditions for the continued existence of the ticket. Now a meeting between the Prime Minister and Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) on November 6th is scheduled to clarify the financing issue.

2023-10-27 04:37:54
#large #companies #offer #employees #Germany #Ticket #job #ticket

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