After seven months of silence, and without prior negotiation with the interlocutors of the union side, on April 27 the employers sent a proposal for a final text and called a meeting on May 8 with all the unions to explain the modified points of the text and give for «exhausted» the negotiation. In the same way, each one of the interlocutors of the trade union part exposed their discrepancies with the text. They all agreed that, despite the proposed salary increases, the salary tables fell short, and that better regulation of the working day was necessary.
It should be explained that:
The regulatory framework for labor relations in the IP audiovisual sector is 14 years behind schedule, since it has not been updated since 2009 and a new agreement has not been negotiated.
The employers’ association is represented by AEC, APCP, DIBOOS, PATE, PIAF, PROA, PROMOFILM PATE is the association of large producers in this country and with leading audience production companies among its associates: The Mediapro Studio, Secuoya Studios, Globomedia, Good Mood, Shine Iberia, Zeppelin, Diagonal, Plano a Plano, etc.
On May 12, the unions met to assess the situation and share the positions of each party. This meeting was attended by all trade union interlocutors who are part of the negotiating table for the agreement, with the absence of CCOO y CSIF, who had also been summoned.
All trade union interlocutors who attended (UGT, CGT, TACEE, ALMA AND FAGA) They expressed their disagreement with the text -proposed as definitive by the employers- for different reasons, which each party presented at the meeting with the business side:
Extension of the current working day from 35 hours to 40 hours. Pretending to go from 35 hours to 40 is in contradiction with the recovery of the current 35-hour workday and 4-day-a-week workdays that we hear about daily.
Not only is the working day increased (261 MORE HOURS PER YEAR) but they intend to do so with very little compensation from the salary tables. In no case can we accept the extension of working hours within a framework of reduction or better distribution of working hours in general.
Compensation and absorption of possible increase proposals When operating the absorption compensation, THERE ARE NO REAL RISES.
If the salary is above the tables proposed by the employer {SITUATION THAT OCCURS IN ALL THE LARGE PRODUCERS, WHICH ARE ASSOCIATES OF PATE), the concepts in the payroll are readjusted. And the net is equal to the current one. That is to say: ZERO RISE.
Special Day in exchange for paying a complement of insufficient flexibility, of €123.90 (ALSO COMPENSABLE AND ABSORBABLE) that allows the producers to extend the daily workday up to 12 hours a day.
Instead of increasing the templates, it is decided to overload the existing ones with work.
And instead of talking about free time and making work compatible with family and personal life, there is talk of extended working hours without knowing what the maximum working day will be.
Insufficient increase in salary tables, with salaries below the average salary in Spain (€21,000) for more than 33 categories in television and advertising. Hiring modalities. Total discrepancy with the artistic contract of duration that prolongs the precarious situation of the technical personnel, since it conceals a contract for work and is contrary to the philosophy of the labor reform. Nor are we in favor of the call criteria and deadlines for the hiring of permanent discontinuous personnel proposed by the employer.
The social part opts for continuity and security in contracting and the business part opts for discontinuity and not fixed contracting.
The conditions that are agreed will affect the negotiations of future downward company agreements. This, together with the increase in working hours, compensation and absorption, flexibility incompatible with personal and family reconciliation, salary tables that do not exceed the average salary in Spain, abuse in the daily schedule and hiring, are sufficient reasons to continue insisting on negotiating a proportionate and appropriate text for the century XXI, and to the reality of the sector, which avoids the legislated abuse in the duration of the working day.
On May 22, the negotiating table for the 111th agreement met again, a meeting in which the CCOO and CSIF unions showed their willingness to sign the text proposed by the employer despite the opposition of the rest of the unions.
The agreement that is intended to be signed, far from improving, is limited to regularize the precariousness in the sector in favor of large production companies audiovisual, audience leaders and with millionaire benefits.
The workers have also shown their opposition with the signature of nearly 20,000 people on the petition for help on against the signing of this platform and especially against the increase in working hours.
The undersigned unions have decided support different actions y mobilizations to show their disagreement with the text and demand an agreement that really improves the working and economic conditions of workers in the sector.
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