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Statue of Napoleon in Rouen: “If it had been removed, it would have had to be done elsewhere”

It had sparked a great controversy. The equestrian statue of Napoleon will be well placed on the Place de l’Hotel de Ville in Rouen, once restored. 68% of Rouennais voted for the return of the Emperor at the end of the public consultation launched by the socialist mayor, Nicolas Mayer Rossignol, who proposed to replace her with that of an illustrious woman. “The subject is not Napoleon, it is the representation of women in the public space”, argued the aedile. Decryption with historian Jacqueline Lalouette, author of the works The statues of discord (Past / Composed) and A people of statues (Mare and Martin).

L’Express: What do you think of the strong controversy aroused by this Napoleonic statue?

Jacqueline Lalouette : In this kind of case, ideological concerns soon take precedence over historical or aesthetic considerations. One could have feared an oriented presentation of the monument leading to an opinion of the Rouen population in accordance with the mayor’s wishes. Which did not happen and which is very encouraging and positive. The opponents to the maintenance of the statue absolutely did not take into account the local character of the monument, as often, there too. We can obviously see in this equestrian statue a representation of Napoleon, emperor and warlord, although the inscriptions on the pedestal do not evoke battles, but refer to the existence of the empire, to the Napoleon Code, to the Concordat, to the Legion of Honour. Thus the monument in itself does not refer to wars or slavery. In addition, it has clear roots in Rouen.

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