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“State Welfare Card” Announced at the end of January. If not passed the criteria, you can submit an appeal.

Ministry of Finance Notification of the progress of the 2022 state welfare registration program registrant qualifications (State Welfare Card) is now in the process of processing information received from the registrants’ qualifications for more than 19.63 million. and spouse information And more than 24.88 million children, a total of more than 44.51 million, it is expected that the results of the qualifications of the registrants will be announced at the end of January 2023, with three channels for checking the qualifications as follows:

1. Website https:// state welfare card .mof.go.th or website https://welfare.mof.go.th

2. All 7 registration agencies, namely Government Savings Bank, Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC), Krung Thai Bank provincial treasury office that all district offices Bangkok District Office and Pattaya City Hall

3. Call to inquire relevant agencies such as the call center for the state welfare card program. Tel. 0-2109-2345, business hours 08.30 – 17.30

When the person who registers the state welfare card qualified Must verify identity at Krung Thai Bank, BAAC or Government Savings Bank from the date of announcement of qualification examination results onwards Therefore, they will be able to exercise their welfare rights through the Smart Card ID card, which will be used instead of the traditional state welfare card. And those who are granted the right must link their PromptPay account with their national ID number with any bank. in order to receive other welfare rights in the future. The Ministry of Finance will make another official announcement. As for current state welfare card holders will be able to use the right through the state welfare card until the last day of the month before the start of the new round of rights in 2023. After that, the right can be used only through the national ID card (Smart Card).

However, registrants who do not meet the qualification criteria Appeals can be filed through channels and dates at the Ministry of Finance. Will announce again Inquire at the call center, the state welfare card program. Tel. 0-2109-2345, business hours 08.30 – 17.30

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