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State Security advises Tiktok not to use your mobile phone or laptop …

In line with State Security, Minister of Justice Vincent Van Quickenborne (Open VLD) advises against using the Tiktok on mobile phones or laptops that are work-related or contain sensitive information. “The necessary vigilance is required,” said the popular app.

Tiktok is viewed with suspicion worldwide. For example, a lot of ink has already flowed over the attempts by Donald Trump to ban or buy the app. Chinese ownership is one thorn in the side of the Americans, who fear espionage. In our country, people are not 100 percent confident, even though State Security has no concrete indications of espionage or the installation of spyware.

This is what Minister of Justice Vincent Van Quickenborne said in an answer to MP Michael Freilich (N-VA), the newspaper reports The morning. The lack of clarity about what Tiktok does with your data is a particular cause for concern. This way the app knows who your contacts are and knows your location, providers and photos. This data is kept on servers of Alibaba, which has close ties with the Chinese government.

The elements mentioned above require increased vigilance. It is therefore advisable not to install apps that are not necessary on devices for professional use or that contain sensitive information. This advice certainly applies to Chinese apps such as TikTok, ‘said the minister in his answer.

Professor of information law Patrick Van Eecke warned in this newspaper against the arrival of Chinese apps such as Tiktok. “We do not pay enough attention to what is happening behind our back at Chinese and other Asian and Russian companies,” he said.

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