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State Secretary Paul Blokhuis (VWS): influenza vaccination also of great importance during corona time

This morning State Secretary Paul Blokhuis of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS) was present at the flu vaccination of Ted van Essen, chairman of the Dutch Influenza Foundation. Blokhuis and Van Essen thus draw attention to the importance of vaccination against influenza, also during corona time. Blokhuis and Van Essen call on everyone in the risk group to get vaccinated to prevent complications from influenza and additional hospital admissions. Next Wednesday, October 21, during the second National Flu Shot Day, an online symposium with, among others, Ron Fouchier, professor of molecular virology at Erasmus MC and Margot Carpay from RIVM, will show the first findings about the rise of the flu shot in this corona period. There will also be an explanation of combining the flu shot with the pneumococcal vaccination for the first time for the elderly aged 73 to 79.

Ted van Essen, chairman of the Dutch Influenza Foundation, former general practitioner and flu expert, receives the flu shot in the presence of State Secretary Paul Blokhuis (VWS).

Epidemics of influenza are difficult to predict, but in recent years they have been long lasting, leading to many hospitalizations and deaths. In total, more than 6 million people are in the risk group, of which just over half are vaccinated. In 2019, 2,900 people more than average died during the flu epidemic, including mainly the elderly.

High or low turnout in corona time?

In recent years there has been a slight upward trend in the number of vaccinations. The expectations for this year are high. It is also important for people in the risk groups to take the flu shot during corona time; to avoid the complications of influenza and additional hospital admissions. And it can avoid confusion with the coronavirus. However, if too many people respond to the call to vaccinate, the Dutch Influenza Foundation foresees a possible shortage of vaccines and more emphasis may be placed on people with a higher risk. As a precaution, RIVM has therefore purchased 500,000 extra vaccines. Another scenario is that a GP visit can be an obstacle for people in the risk group, causing the number of vaccinations to lag behind. Blokhuis and Van Essen emphasize that GP practices across the country are well prepared with corona measures to ensure safe vaccination. With these different scenarios in mind, RIVM will closely monitor during this period whether people are willing to get the flu shot and will call on people or slow them down where necessary.

Consequences of influenza on the heart and blood vessels

Although the flu shot is not 100% effective in preventing the flu, a flu infection will often be milder thanks to the vaccination, with less risk of worsening cardiovascular disease, for example. For example, an analysis of several published studies, including a study in people over 65 with cardiovascular disease, showed that the flu shot leads to a lower risk of major complications or death from cardiovascular problems within a year after the prick. Prof. Leonard Hofstra, professor and cardiologist at the Amsterdam UMC: “Flu can lead to serious health problems. For example, scientific research among more than six hundred thousand people with high blood pressure shows that there is indeed a relationship between influenza and the development or worsening of cardiovascular disease in the long term. Knowledge about this in the Netherlands among people from the risk groups is relatively low. ”

Webinar about the usefulness and necessity of vaccinating against influenza in corona time

After the first National Flu Shot Day in 2019, the 2020 theme is the importance of the flu shot in the time of Covid-19. The introduction of pneumococcal vaccination for the elderly aged 73 to 79 is also new this year. Finally, there is also new data on the long-term effects of influenza on the heart.

Flu webinar program in coronatijd

The webinar on influenza in corona time will take place on Wednesday, October 21 from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. You can register via https://influenzastichting.nl/nationale-griepprikdag-online-21-oktober/

The following speakers and topics will be discussed during the webinar:

  • State Secretary Paul Blokhuis of Health, Welfare and Sport with the appeal to the risk group to get vaccinated.
  • The chairman of the Dutch Influenza Foundation, general practitioner Ted van Essen, will give the introduction to the state of affairs of the flu shot for people at risk in the Netherlands, including the developments since the previous National Flu Shot Day in 2019.
  • Marc van Ranst, professor of virology at KU Leuven, will explain the current situation about the flu shot in Belgium.
  • Margot Carpay, program manager flu and pneumococcal vaccination at RIVM, will present the first findings about the emergence for the flu shot this season. In addition, she will describe the double vaccination for influenza and pneumococci, as started this year.
  • Daphne van Wees, epidemiologist and behavioral expert at RIVM, will show how the perception of one’s own susceptibility to influenza can influence the attitude towards the flu shot.
  • Ron Fouchier, professor of molecular virology at Erasmus MC, will illustrate the importance of the flu shot in the current Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Leonard Hofstra, professor of cardiology at Amsterdam UMC will explain the consequences of influenza on the heart and blood vessels and emphasize the importance of the flu shot for patients with cardiovascular disease.

21 October 2020 second National Flu Shot Day

Online symposium including:

  • Ron Fouchier, professor of molecular virology at Erasmus MC on the importance of the flu shot in corona time
  • Margot Carpay of the RIVM on the turnout for the flu shot in the corona period and explanation of the double vaccination for influenza and pneumococci
  • Leonard Hofstra, professor of cardiology at the Amsterdam UMC on the consequences of influenza on the heart and blood vessels

Participation is possible by registration here.
Every participant can ask questions to the panel via the chat.

About the Dutch Influenza Foundation

The Dutch Influenza Foundation already existed in the nineties. At the time, this led to an increase in the Dutch flu vaccination rate. At the end of the nineties the NIS disbanded itself, because the activities were taken over by the Dutch GPs. Perhaps a little too early – given that vaccination coverage has been declining since 2009. In May 2018, the Dutch senior organization, KBO-PCOB, sounded the alarm. The reason for this was the rising death rate among seniors from the flu. KBO-PCOB called on the government and social organizations to develop an “winter mortality action plan”. For this reason, the Dutch Influenza Foundation has been revived.

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