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State Parliament of Baden-Württemberg – Number of e-scooter accidents has risen again

Because more and more people are using e-scooters, more and more accidents are happening with the small electric scooters. In the first six months of this year, the number in Baden-Württemberg rose again significantly to 583 accidents, which is 29 percent more than in the first half of last year. Two people were killed, 43 were seriously injured and another 398 were slightly injured, according to the Interior Ministry. It is important to keep an eye on e-scooters because of these increasing numbers, said Interior Minister Thomas Strobl (CDU).

According to traffic accident statistics, people with e-scooters in Baden-Württemberg were involved in 1,098 traffic accidents last year, which was almost 23 percent more than the year before. Three people died in these accidents.

Looking at the nationwide figures, the Federal Statistical Office says that the most common cause of accidents is incorrect use of the road or sidewalks. Driving under the influence of alcohol was almost as common a reason for the accident. A particularly high number of accidents occur in large cities.

New rules planned

In view of the criticism of the behavior of e-scooter riders, the federal government is planning new rules. The Federal Ministry of Transport has presented a draft to amend the Small Electric Vehicles Ordinance. One example is mandatory indicators from the beginning of 2027. According to the ministry, the draft also contains the proposal that the opening of sidewalks or pedestrian zones with the additional sign “bicycle traffic permitted” should also apply to e-scooters. As before, walking speed should be observed for such openings and special consideration should be given to pedestrian traffic. However, municipalities should have the final say.

It will take some time before the new regulations are implemented. The plans sparked criticism from the pedestrian association Fuss, and the ADAC also called for improvements. The association generally spoke of a “gross attack” on people on foot. Transport Minister Volker Wissing (FDP) wants to allow e-scooters on more sidewalks and in more pedestrian zones, and he also wants to abolish the previously prescribed minimum distance of 1.5 meters from pedestrians when overtaking. Rental e-scooters in particular are often driven dangerously and chaotically. From the ADAC’s point of view, the lack of victim protection is not taken into account as a central problem.

Two dead after falls

In Baden-Württemberg, a 25-year-old recently died after falling off his e-scooter. He was on a footpath and cycle path in Hügelsheim in the Rastatt district when he stumbled and fell. In Eberhardzell (Biberach district), a 35-year-old scooter rider also died when he fell on a sloping road in mid-March.

More accidents, fewer injuries and deaths

According to statistics, people in Baden-Württemberg continue to press the accelerator, ignore right of way, talk on the phone, and many get behind the wheel of their cars while drunk. The result: There have been slightly more accidents on the roads, with dozens of people losing their lives this year alone. However, the number of injured and fatalities is falling slightly despite the increasing risk of accidents.

According to accident statistics, 151,537 accidents occurred in the first half of this year, 1.1 percent more than in the first six months of last year. 16,715 people were slightly injured (minus 0.8 percent) and 2,805 seriously injured (minus 3.8 percent). 160 more people lost their lives, 5 fewer victims than in the first half of 2022.

Speeders continue to cause most car accidents

According to the Interior Ministry, the main reason for accidents on the road is once again excessive speed. This is the cause in 38 percent of cases. Inadequate driving ability, for example due to alcohol, failure to give way and simply being distracted also lead to accidents. According to statistics, 58 people died in the first six months because someone was driving too fast.

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