The crisis in housing construction is affecting the construction industry in the southwest. The number of bricklaying and concrete construction companies fell by six percent to 3,848 in the first half of the year, according to the Baden-Württemberg Trades Day in Stuttgart. A decline in the number of companies of between three and four percent is usual. However, the reason for the closure of the company was not recorded in the statistics.
Although one cannot speak of a wave of bankruptcies, the figures are certainly alarming, said CEO Peter Haas. Following the cabinet decision on the state building regulations, the state must take further steps to stimulate housing construction again. A reduction in property transfer tax and more public investment in social housing are necessary.
Overall, the number of companies registered with the Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Crafts has increased slightly since the beginning of the year to the end of June by 656 companies or 0.5 percent to 143,225. However, the growth is exclusively attributable to professions without a licensing requirement. These are professions that are often carried out as self-employed or part-time jobs, without the requirement to be a master craftsman and often without training companies, the association further announced.
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