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State of health emergency, military field hospital, lifting of restrictions in Hubei … update on the coronavirus

Every day, at midday, the latest information on the Covid-19 epidemic in France and around the world.

In France

Balance sheet. The coronavirus has killed 860 people since the start of the epidemic and 2,082 patients were in intensive care on Monday evening. These reports reflect an increase of 186 deaths and 1,435 additional patients in intensive care in twenty-four hours out of a total of 8,675 hospitalized patients. On Monday, the death of four doctors from the Grand Est was announced, bringing the number of doctors killed by the Covid-19 to 5 in the country.

State of health emergency. Since Tuesday, France has been in a state of health emergency for two months, which has given the government exceptional powers in the face of the health crisis. The dedicated law, passed on Sunday, was published in Official newspaper. It regulates confinement and other measures restricting freedoms.

Containment. Faced with the worsening situation in France, the Prime Minister? Edouard Philippe? warned Monday evening on TF1 that “The time of confinement may last a few more weeks”. The measures are also toughened: walking your children and going out to play sports can only be done 1 kilometer around and once a day for a maximum of one hour. The departure time must be indicated on the certificate. Outings for health reasons will also be better supervised and open markets closed. The penalties for non-compliance with the rules will also be tightened. Our article.

Chloroquine. At a press point on Monday evening, the Minister of Health? Olivier Véran? said the High Council of Public Health recommends not using the antimalarial drug chloroquine, except for severe forms and under strict medical supervision. Read our edition of the day devoted to the controversial use of this molecule for treatments.

Mulhouse. The military field hospital in support of the Mulhouse hospital opens on Tuesday. After conclusive tests on Monday, he will take care of his first serious coronavirus patients to relieve the nearby hospital overwhelmed by an increasing influx of patients in intensive care.

Partial unemployment. The use of partial unemployment in France concerns 730,000 employees “After only a few days” implementation of the expanded system during the coronavirus crisis, said Minister of Economy Bruno Le Maire on France Info. The Minister of Agriculture, Didier Guillaume, also called on the French “Who are no longer active” to get employed “in the fields”. Agriculture is ready to provide 200,000 direct jobs, he said.

Migrants. The police evacuated on Tuesday morning several hundred migrants from an insanitary camp in Aubervilliers in the Paris suburbs whose hygiene and promiscuity were controversial in full confinement.

In the world

Balance sheet. The new coronavirus has killed at least 16,961 people worldwide, including 10,724 in Europe, since its appearance in December, according to a report by the AFP from official sources Tuesday at noon. More than 386,350 cases of infection have been officially diagnosed in 175 countries and territories since the start of the epidemic.

Spain. Spain, which recorded a new death record on Tuesday with 514 more deaths in twenty-four hours (2,696 deaths in total), had to transform a Madrid skating rink into a giant morgue. It is located near the Madrid Fair, whose exhibition halls are transformed into a 1,500-bed field hospital, and which could eventually accommodate up to 5,500 (39,673 people are contaminated in the country) .

UK. Boris Johnson ultimately resolved to follow the pattern of most of his European neighbors by imposing almost complete containment on the British. Our article.

China. Chinese authorities have announced that travel restrictions will be lifted in the Chinese city of Wuhan (center), the cradle of the Covid-19 epidemic, from April 8, after more than two months of confinement. The rest of Hubei province will benefit from this measure as of this Wednesday.

Solidarity. Six patients infected with the new coronavirus in Italy will be cared for in German hospitals, the leader of the Saxony region announced on Monday, while Germany is already receiving patients from France.

United States. Authorities in New York, the US epicenter of the coronavirus epidemic, called on Monday Donald Trump to declare a national coercive confinement while he was providing a reverse return to business “very soon”. The first American metropolis has nearly 100 deaths out of a total of 560 deaths in the United States.

Music. He was the author of one of the biggest planetary hits in world music, Soul Makossa (1972). Afro-jazz saxophonist and legend Manu Dibango died of the Covid-19 at the age of 86. Our obituary.

All our articles on the pandemic are in our files: France and the world.

Also read on Liberation.fr

Seen from Israel. The Palestinian minority is overrepresented among the medical professions in Israel. This integration contrasts with the animosity encountered by Arab deputies in the Knesset, even in times of “national union” in the face of the health crisis. To read here.

Epidemic journal. “Véran is a doctor, he is supposed to be our captain”. Christian Lehmann is a writer and doctor in the Yvelines. For Release, he writes the daily chronicle of a society under bell at the time of the coronavirus.

Feminism. Whether they are caregivers, cashiers, carers or victims of domestic violence, women are on the front line. Will containment for all be a game-changer? Will it encourage male awareness to change the distribution of gender roles? A tribune by Camille Froidevaux-Metterie.

Media. The newspaper Alsace, “The impression of being in a war situation”. Two journalists testify of their professional daily life in an epidemic center.

Checknews. All the answers to your questions with Checknews, today:
Covid-19: what are the main comorbidity factors?
– Why the authorities do not count the deaths occurred in Ephad in the assessment of the victims of Covid-19?
– Faced with the saturation of resuscitation services, how do doctors decide?
– Are the police strongly affected by the Covid-19?


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