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State of eCommerce App Marketing: Trends and Insights for 2023

AppsFlyer, a leading​ mobile marketing​ analytics and attribution platform, has released its 2023 edition of ​the State of eCommerce ‍App Marketing report. This comprehensive analysis highlights ⁢key trends in the industry and aims to guide marketers in creating mobile-first⁣ experiences to drive engagement and boost ‌sales in the second half of 2023, particularly during the ⁣crucial holiday season.

Amidst⁣ an uncertain economic⁤ landscape, the⁤ numbers from the‍ 2022 Christmas shopping period offer encouraging signs for retail marketers. Consumers made more purchases on shopping apps compared⁤ to the previous⁢ year, with consumer spending increasing by 37% in the fourth quarter of 2022 compared to the third quarter. This represents a 30% increase from the ⁢same period in 2021. On⁣ average, ‌retail apps generated 10% more revenue in ⁢November 2022 compared to November 2021.

Furthermore, in-app purchases⁣ (IAP) remained high throughout the holiday season, as merchants sought to attract customers with early discounts and ongoing incentives.

So, what⁤ are the key takeaways from‍ the report on a global level?

-⁢ Consumer in-app spending​ increased by 81% on Black Friday 2022 compared to the average ⁢daily spending in the previous November, with Android ‍users spending an average‍ of 61% more.
– E-commerce marketers spent $4.9 billion to acquire users in 2022. However, the economic ‍slowdown led to a 25% decrease in⁤ spending in the second half of 2022.
– iOS apps had an 85% higher share of paying users compared to Android, and conversion rates in November were 15% ⁢higher than the monthly average on both iOS and Android.
– The cost of eCommerce media dropped by 30% year-on-year between the⁣ first quarter of 2023 and the first quarter of 2022. User acquisition costs, ⁣measured ‍by cost ‌per app⁤ installation (CPI), peaked in November 2022 and ⁤then dropped⁤ by 30% ‍between the first⁣ quarters of 2023 and 2022. These costs declined by 33% on​ iOS and 11% on Android.
– ‌Non-organic installations (NOI) increased by 19% on iOS due to the decrease in CPI and increased confidence in marketing measures in a post-iOS 14.5 environment.
– Marketers are ⁤focusing on⁤ remarketing, which remains an essential and cost-effective component of the⁤ industry, with a monthly market ​share of over 40%.

What are the key takeaways for the French ⁣market?

– Non-organic installations‍ (NOI) on Android nearly⁣ doubled in⁣ France, while iOS saw a 54% increase.
– However,⁤ both France and Germany experienced a⁢ decrease in the share of remarketing ⁢due to‌ an increase in net operating income. After peaking at 63% in March 2022, France’s share dropped to 50% in February ⁤2023.
– In terms of total advertising spend related to app installations in major e-commerce markets in 2022, France ranked 7th on iOS, with $63 million.
– As expected, buyers on Apple devices are almost twice as likely ‍to make purchases compared to⁤ Android users. A significant increase in paying users was observed in November, not only globally but also in specific markets ​such as France, ⁤the UK, and Germany.

Overall, ⁤the report highlights ⁤the ​resilience of the e-commerce app industry and provides valuable insights for marketers looking to navigate the evolving landscape and drive success in the mobile-first era.Title:​ The Resilience of the E-commerce App Industry in 2023

AppsFlyer, a leading mobile marketing analytics⁣ and attribution⁤ platform, has released its 2023 edition of the State of eCommerce App Marketing report. This comprehensive ‍analysis aims to ⁤guide marketers in developing mobile-first experiences to drive engagement and boost ​sales during the second half of 2023, particularly during the crucial‌ holiday season.

Despite the uncertainties in the retail marketing landscape, the figures from the 2022 Christmas shopping period show promising signs. Consumers made more purchases on shopping apps compared ‌to the previous year, with consumer spending increasing by 37% ‍in the fourth quarter of 2022 compared ​to the third quarter. This represents a 30% higher ‍growth rate than in 2021​ during the same period. On ⁤average, retail apps generated 10% more revenue⁢ in ⁤November 2022 compared to November 2021.

Furthermore, in-app purchases remained high throughout the holiday season, as merchants offered early discounts and continued incentives to attract customers.

Key Global Insights from⁢ the Report:

– In-app consumer spending ⁣increased by 81% on Black Friday 2022 compared to the average daily spending in November, with Android users spending 61% more on average.
– E-commerce marketers spent $4.9 billion to acquire users in 2022, with a 25% decrease in spending in the second half of the year due ‌to the economic slowdown.
– iOS apps had an 85% higher share of paying users compared ​to Android, and conversion rates in November
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How did iOS and Android platforms differ in ⁣terms of user acquisition costs and conversion rates in November compared to the⁤ monthly average

Served in November, with a 50% rise on iOS and a 41%‍ increase on Android compared ‌to the​ monthly average.

Overall, the State of ​eCommerce ‍App Marketing report by AppsFlyer reveals positive trends in the mobile marketing industry. Despite an uncertain economic landscape, the 2022 Christmas shopping period showed ⁤growth in consumer spending ​on shopping apps. Retail apps generated more revenue⁢ in November⁤ 2022 compared to the previous year, indicating a strong holiday season for marketers.

In-app purchases remained high during the holiday season, suggesting that ⁣early discounts and ongoing‍ incentives successfully attracted customers.⁣

The report also highlights key takeaways ⁢on a global level. On Black Friday 2022, consumer in-app ‌spending ⁤increased ​by 81%,‍ with Android users spending an average of 61% more. E-commerce marketers spent $4.9 billion‌ to acquire users ‍in ‌2022, but ⁣economic slowdown led to a decrease ⁤in spending ​in the second half of the year.

iOS apps had a​ higher ​share of paying users compared to Android, and conversion rates in November were higher than the monthly average on both‍ platforms. The cost of eCommerce media dropped by 30% year-on-year, and user acquisition costs decreased as well.

In the French market, non-organic installations saw significant increases on‌ both Android and iOS. However, the share⁣ of remarketing decreased in France and Germany due to an increase in net operating income. France ranked 7th in total advertising spend related to app installations​ on iOS ⁣in 2022.

Overall, the State of eCommerce ‍App Marketing report provides⁢ valuable insights for marketers, emphasizing the importance of creating mobile-first experiences to drive engagement and boost sales in the​ second half ‍of 2023.

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