Home » today » Technology » State league goalkeeper Max Pape talks about cyber training: recharge your batteries for 2021 – Höxter

State league goalkeeper Max Pape talks about cyber training: recharge your batteries for 2021 – Höxter

“We have to run twelve kilometers a week. I always divide that into two parts. We also meet every Tuesday for a fitness workout via Zoom, ”explains Pape. Coach Haydar Özdemir is of course also involved. Sablotny and Congia explain the exercises. Rico Brandl, Kevin Koch and Co. implement the requirements in front of the webcam. Fitness training has already been done at Bundesliga clubs like FC Bayern Munich.

Unity on the screen

In addition to the unit in front of the screen, you can also go out onto the asphalt or directly into the forest. Pape can make the routes flexible in Dalhausen. “We have to cover the six kilometers in 35 minutes. That’s no problem for a goalkeeper either. 30:32 minutes was my fastest time so far, ”explains the 27-year-old. The keeper is fit anyway. The trained carpenter works as a foreman at a company in Beverungen and uses windows, front doors, external venetian blinds and shutters every day. “Because of the physical work, I’m ready to go straight away,” says Pape, who also uses a small fitness studio in his own four walls.

Traveling a lot for business

Dalhäuser travels a lot for work. However, Pape is rarely absent on training days. Since this season it’s always been going alone in the direction of Brakel and back again. Since this series, buddy Daniel Suermann has been kicking again for his home club SG Dalhausen / Tietelsen-Rothe. “That really hurt,” says Pape about the move of his former teammate, who directed him to Brakel in 2019: “But I’ve also made many new friends in Brakel.”

An unfamiliar situation awaited the 27-year-old after the transfer from FC Blau-Weiß Weser to the regional league club to Nethe. In the district league, Pape was always number one – he only missed a few games in over five years. His status should change in Brakel. The Dalhäuser was no longer the controversial tribe. Pape had to fight a duel with Alexander Fischer. “It was totally unusual to sit on the bench for a game. But I always got on very well with Alex. We were also in regular contact with the trainer, ”says the foreman.

This season the situation is different. Pape is clearly set. He has not missed a single minute in the previous eight games. “I know that the coach is counting on me,” emphasizes the 27-year-old. Marvin Fenske, who was pulled up from the second team, and ex-youth goalkeeper Finn Nolte are currently behind Dalhäuser in the ranking. “It’s not just this competitive situation that is different from my time at Weser. A lot more players come to training in Brakel, the intensity and the effort are also significantly higher, “explains Pape, who recently had to deal with problems in the adductor area again and again:” I used to be at one hundred percent for years. Now I use the break to get really fit again. ”

After the interruption, the keeper will of course keep his word and will definitely stay with Spvg. 20 Brakel until summer 2021. However, no decision has yet been made about the future. “For the time being, I’ll be happy when I can finally start again,” said the ambitious Pape, who, however, can already announce with a view to his sporting future: “At some point the way will lead me back to Dalhausen.”

Briefly asked

Running or strength training: I became a goalkeeper for a reason (laughs). As you know, you don’t run that much in my position. So I prefer to do strength training. I have a couple of options at home.

Delivery service or cook yourself:When I think of a typical Sunday after a soccer game, I have to mention the delivery service. A nice pizza after a game is a must in the evening. Otherwise my girlfriend usually cooks. I am then responsible for frying the meat. But overall, we always support each other well in the kitchen.

Playstation or Netflix: I don’t have a Playstation due to lack of time. We are currently watching the series “Marvel’s The Punisher” on Netflix. Otherwise I’m open to films or series from almost all genres.

Podcast or book: More like a podcast, but not that often either. I once listened to a few episodes of Boris Becker – they were pretty good.

Spotify or radio: I listen to Spotify while doing sports. But in everyday life I also like to turn on Radio Hochstift on the radio. There is a lot of reports from the region and the music is varied.

Favorite site on the Internet: I like to look around on the domestic news portals from the sports sector. Otherwise I find out about the news from the Bundesliga and international football on sport1.de.

Athlete’s biography: I haven’t read a biography yet. I just watched Toni Kroos’ film.

Corona rituals: During this time, you appreciate it even more when you can meet a buddy. You spend the time there even more intensely. You can also enjoy hours together with your family more than usual.

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