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State Government Holds Health Fair in Plaza de Armas

The Ministry of Health, through the inter-institutional group against Hepatitis, held a Health Fair in the Plaza de Armas of the city of Chihuahua.

The modules offered services such as detection of Hepatitis C, HIV and Syphilis, as well as counseling, support for addiction prevention, hemoglobin measurement, blood group determination, blood pressure measurement, diabetes tests, advice for detecting breast cancer and taking a Pap smear.

There were also vaccines applied to children and adults against pneumococcus, rotavirus, hexavalent, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, measles, rubella, mumps, human papillomavirus and hepatitis B.

In addition, medical staff carried out waist and weight measurements, oral health and fluoride application, along with anti-rabies inoculation and deworming.

During the event, a registration unit for the MediChihuahua program was set up, where citizens who do not have entitlement to a health institution carried out the affiliation process, with data collection, photographs and the delivery of the credential.

These activities were attended by personnel from the First Health Jurisdiction, the State Blood Transfusion Center (CETS), the State Commission for Addiction Care (Ceaadic), the State HIV Program and the Chihuahua Health Institute (Ichisal).

Workers from the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), the Institute for Social Security and Service for State Workers (ISSSTE), the Municipal Pension Institute, the Municipal Institute for Prevention and Health Care (IMPAS), and State Civil Pensions (PCE) also attended, where they carried out screenings, consultations and advice.

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