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State gives teachers more money for overtime | NDR.de – News

Status: 21.08.2024 17:33

Teachers in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania will in future receive more money for overtime work. The state government calls this a sign of “appreciation”. The state is expecting additional expenditure of 7.5 million euros per year. The education association VBE believes that this is not enough.

von Stefan Ludmann

It was planned for a long time, and now it has been decided: if teachers step in and work overtime to ensure classes are covered, they will get more money. The main reason for this extra work is staff shortages caused by the teacher shortage. Last year alone, around 4,000 teachers received money for overtime that was ordered – that’s one in three teachers.

However, the payment is only due if at least four hours of overtime are completed per month. If only three hours of overtime are completed, the teachers get nothing. However, an agreement has now been reached with the teachers’ union GEW that if three hours of overtime are completed, the hurdle to the fourth hour will be passed. Then the teacher will receive money for all the extra work.

Overtime can be saved on time accounts

The state is also putting an end to different remuneration: before the holidays, primary school teachers received just under 26 euros per hour, while high school teachers received 36 euros. The state government is standardizing the rate to 42.80 euros in October. In November, 4.8 percent will be added on top. At the beginning of February 2025, the rate will then be increased again by 5.5 percent. Teachers in salary and wage group A13 or E13 will then receive a uniform 47 euros per overtime hour. At the same time, a so-called working time account will be made possible. Teachers can “save up” overtime over the years and then, if necessary, reduce the time credit through free time.

Praise from teachers’ union GEW

Education Minister Simone Oldenburg (The Left) explained that by paying more for overtime, the state was honoring “the additional commitment of teachers. If teachers are prepared to step in for their colleagues at short notice and prevent class cancellations, it must also be worthwhile for them.”

The GEW welcomed the increase in overtime and the uniform rates when they were first announced a month ago. With 47.23 euros per hour of overtime, “MV catapults itself into second place for the highest overtime rates,” the GEW said happily. Only Saxony-Anhalt pays more for teachers in salary group A13 in a nationwide comparison.

VBE: Additional costs are not enough

The Association for Education and Training (VBE) also welcomes the increase that has now been decided. However, it sees the additional work as evidence of the “catastrophic personnel situation”. This will continue to worsen. The planned additional costs would therefore not be sufficient, according to VBE boss Michael Blanck.

Criticism also comes from the FDP opposition. Deputy parliamentary group leader Sabine Enseleit explained that only overtime that has been ordered, such as substitute work, would be paid for. This “consciously or unconsciously ignores the fact that a teacher’s tasks also include organizing class matters and providing individual support to students.” In Enseleit’s opinion, this can often only be done with overtime. “This is an area that urgently needs to be adjusted,” she demanded.

Police officers without overtime pay

Unlike teachers, police officers have no opportunity to get paid for overtime. However, officers, like teachers, can set up working time accounts. According to the police union, up to 120 hours of overtime can be saved on these. The time credit is equivalent to three weeks of free time.

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NDR 1 Radio MV | News from Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania | 21.08.2024 | 13:00

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