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State Duma elections – Elkin’s fresh caricature of Medvedev and Shoigu

The list of the pro-government United Russia party in the elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation will be headed not by Dmitry Medvedev, but by Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. The famous artist Sergei Elkin decided to show subtly and ironically that Medvedev had bet on the wrong animal.

Corresponding caricature published Telegram channel DW Main.

On Saturday, June 19, at the pre-election congress, United Russia decided on the federal part of their party list. President Vladimir Putin’s proposal was accepted to nominate: Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, head physician of the Kommunarka hospital Denis Protsenko, head of the Talent and Success Foundation, co-chairman of the ONF Central Headquarters Elena Shmeleva and child rights ombudsman Anna Kuznetsova.

It is worth noting that in the elections in 2011 and 2016, candidates from the Russian party of power were headed by Dmitry Medvedev.

Inspired by the results of the congress, Elkin depicted Shoigu on a bear with a “Number 1” sign in his hand, and Dmitry Medvedev next to a hysterical duck. Thus, the author hinted at the notorious “Medvedev’s duck”, which became a meme after the well-known investigation of the Anti-Corruption Foundation.

In the investigation film, it was about Medvedev’s secret dacha, where a pond with a duck house was seen. Since then, “Medvedev’s duck” has become a symbol of the Putin regime and the excessive spending of government officials.

In addition, yellow rubber ducks could be seen at opposition protest rallies.

Earlier we wrote that the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Sergei Shoigu ordered build up the grouping of the Russian military in Crimea ostensibly to provide assistance to the population of the peninsula, which was affected by the floods.

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