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State bus routes are free for frequent travelers from this February 1


M. P. V.

From this Wednesday, February 1, it is already possible to use free a total of 77 state-owned long-distance bus routes, including five with arrival or departure in Galicia: the one that joins Ferrol and Algeciras, the Irún-Tui, the Vigo-Irún-Barcelona, ​​the Santiago-Gijón-Irún-Barcelona, ​​and the Madrid-Salamanca-Vigo. The initiative is aimed at regular users, since they will have to make a minimum of trips.

To use these lines for free it will be necessary obtain a multi-trip ticket and meet a number of requirements. The tickets, which will be personal and non-transferable, will be requested from the concessionary companies of each route, which will provide users with a unique code for the route they want to use on a recurring basis and with which they can get the ticket each time they want to travel. To obtain the code, you will have to pay a bail which will go from 20 euros to 65, depending on the price of the ticket. That money will be returned to the user if they make the minimum number of trips required.

The free service will be extended to all of 2023, although it will be divided into three periods. The first will go from 1 from February to April 30and in it it will be necessary to make a minimum of 12 trips. The second will go from May 1 to August 31and the third, of September 1 to December 31. will have to do at least 16 trips in each of those quarters to be entitled to free trips. It will be necessary to obtain a multi-trip ticket for each of the three periods.

It will not be possible to formalize more than a round trip every day. If one is reserved and it is not canceled at least 24 hours in advance, it will be considered inappropriate use, the same as the use of a ticket by a person other than the holder of the pass. If more than three misuses are detected, the deposit will be withdrawn and seized.

He Ministry of Transport He explained that the measure to make state-owned bus lines free is intended to “avoid asymmetries between the different modes of land transport”, since 100% of various rail services have been subsidized.

On the other hand, all the autonomous communities have joined another government initiative to reduce the price of intercity bus tickets by 50%, bonus financed by the central Executive (which assumes 30%) and the communities or town halls (assumes the other 20%). Yesterday, Tuesday, the deadline for the regional and local administrations to join the initiative was met, and according to information from the EFE Agency, all the communities, in addition to Ceuta and Melilla, have requested it, including Galicia.

The bus routes that can benefit from the 100% rebate are the following:

Teruel-Barcelona with hijuela to Caspe

Logroño-Soria-Madrid with hijuelas

Madrid-Toledo with daughters

Murcia-Seville via Granada with daughters


Viella-Lleida with hijuelas

Lleida-Molina de Aragón via Zaragoza with Hijuelas

Irun-Tui with hijuelas

Madrid-Badajoz-Valencia with daughters

Coria-Salamanca-Barcelona with hijuelas

Madrid-Alicante with hijuelas

Madrid-Toledo by Valmojado with hijuela by Chozas Canales

Burgos-Poza de la Sal-Frías-Briviesca-Logroño with hijuelas

Soria-Zaragoza with daughters


Madrid-Miajadas-Don Benito with daughters


Madrid-Jaén with hijuelas

Madrid-Zaragoza-Barcelona with hijuela

Santander-Bilbao-Barcelona with hijuela

Huesca-Lleida with hijuelas

Madrid-Salamanca-Vigo with daughters

Madrid-Fuente Del Arco-Badalona with hijuelas

Alicante-Murcia with daughters

Zaragoza-Murcia with daughters


León-Zaragoza via Valladolid with daughters

Seville and Málaga in Montgat and Manresa, with hijuelas


Zaragoza-Castellón de La Plana via Tarragona and Caspe

Madrid-Irún With Hijuelas

Madrid-Casas Ibáñez-Las Lagunas de Ruidera

Santiago de Compostela-Gijón-Irún-Barcelona



Génave Bridge (Jaén)- Albacete


Tamarite de Litera (Huesca)-Lleida

Santander-Bilbao-La Manga del Mar Menor (Murcia)

Madrid-Seville-Ayamonte (Huelva)

Madrid-Córdoba-San Fernando


Ayamonte (Huelva)-Santa Coloma de Gramanet (Barcelona)

Vigo (Pontevedra), Irún (Guipuzcoa) and Barcelona

Bilbao (Vizcaya) and Castro Urdiales (Cantabria)


Madrid – Plasencia (Caceres)


Madrid-Jaraíz de La Vera (Cáceres)


Madrid-Navamorcuende (Toledo)

Calahorra (La Rioja)-Soria




Madrid-Piedrabuena (Ciudad Real)-Agudo (Ciudad Real)

Madrid-Málaga-Algeciras (Cádiz)

Fraga-Binéfar-Mequinenza (Huesca)-Lleida

Irún (Guipúzcoa)-Algeciras (Cádiz)


Eibar (Guipúzcoa)-Pamplona (Navarra)

Jaen-Benidorm (Alicante)

Merida (Badajoz)-Seville


Madrid-Aranda Duero (Burgos)-El Burgo de Osma (Soria)



Madrid-Segovia with extension to Melgar de Fernamental (Burgos)

Aldeanueva del Camino (Cáceres)-Madrid



Pedro Bernardo (Ávila) – Talavera de la Reina (Toledo)

La Adrada (Ávila) – Talavera de la Reina (Toledo)

Hontanares (Ávila) – Talavera de la Reina (Toledo)

Badajoz-Córdoba with Hijuelas

Madrid-Molina de Aragon-Teruel-Valencia

Madrid-Pamplona through Burgos and Logroño, with an extension to Valcarlos and the French border of Arnegui

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