Home » News » State budget for 2024: a budget deficit of 675 billion FCFA

State budget for 2024: a budget deficit of 675 billion FCFA

• For 3.019 billion FCFA in revenue

• And 3.694 billion FCFA in expenditure

• Security and defense represent 29.49%, in 2024

LThe State budget for 2024 amounts to 3,019,118,770,000 FCFA in revenue and 3,694,594,012,000 FCFA in expenditure. From this budget, there is a budget deficit of 675,475,242 billion FCFA. The said 2024 budget was adopted, December 15, 2023, in Ouagadougou.

The 2024 budget is broken down as follows: ordinary own resources amount to 2,791,794,830,000 FCFA and extraordinary resources to 227,323,940,000 FCFA. The general total of resources is 3,019,118,770,000 FCFA. The general total of expenses is 3,694,594,012,000 FCFA. It breaks down as follows: current expenditure: 2,282,106,894,000 FCFA, capital expenditure: 1,412,487,118,000 FCFA, and budgetary savings amount to 509,687,936,000 FCFA. The Minister of Economy, Finance and Foresight, Dr Aboubakar Nacanabo, who defended the State Budget on behalf of the government of transition, said to note an improvement in revenue of 387.8 billion FCFA compared to the Amending Finance Law (LFI) 2023, despite the prevailing context. According to him, this increase is the fruit of the efforts of the various revenue authorities. As for expenses, they increased by 458.7 billion FCFA compared to 2023. It should also be noted the improvement in the main characteristic balances, with the exception of the overall deficit. In fact, budgetary savings amount to 509.7 billion FCFA, in 2024, compared to 273.1 billion FCFA in 2023, corresponding to an improvement of 236.6 billion FCFA. The ratio of budgetary balance to nominal GDP stands at 4.6%, compared to 4.8 in 2023. As for the ratio of tax revenues to personnel expenses, it increases from 49.95% in 2023 to 47.55% in 2024. Efforts have been made to meet the growing investment needs of stakeholders, which increases investment expenditure on own resources from 696 billion FCFA in 2023 to 1017.6 billion FCFA in 2024, with the corollary of a deterioration of the overall deficit of 70.9 billion FCFA.

Restoring the integrity of the territory

For the minister, the 2024 budget will allow the government to transition to sustainably finance the country’s development. But above all, restore the integrity of the territory and manage the humanitarian crisis. To show all its determination to make these objectives realistic, the government requested, from deputies, a significant increase in budgetary allocations for the benefit of strategic sectors. It is quite natural that the share of the State Budget allocated to the defense and security sectors increased from 12.49% in 2016 to 20.27% in 2022, then to 28.42% in 2023 for stand at 29.49% in 2024.

Health, put an end to sanitary evacuations

Dr Aboubakar Nacanabo insisted that particular attention had also been paid to social sectors such as health, education and rural development. It reveals that the share of the State Budget excluding external financing, allocated to the health sector, stands at 11.90% in relative value, i.e. 330.6 billion FCFA in nominal value, in 2024. For this department , the government’s efforts will be directed towards strengthening the technical platforms of the main health facilities for greater efficiency in health care. The objective, in the medium term, is to reduce the annual bill for medical evacuations outside and also inside through a progressive network of reference centers with specific equipment.

Education (global), more of 700 billion FCFA

The education sector, comprising preschool, primary, secondary, higher education, vocational and technical training, absorbs 26.26% of the 2024 budget forecast excluding external financing, i.e. 729.6 billion FCFA, against 689.5 billion FCFA in 2023, corresponding to an increase of 40.1 billion FCFA. Given the priority and sensitive nature of this sector, efforts have been made to allow appreciable coverage of priority needs for the smooth running of academic activities.

Rural world, more of 130 billion FCFA

The rural development sector, made up of the ministry in charge of agriculture, animal and fishery resources, and that of the environment, water and sanitation benefit from a budget allocation of 137.7 billion FCFA , in 2024, corresponding to a relative share of approximately 5.0%, an increase of 21.3 billion FCFA compared to the 2023 allocations, which were 116.4 billion FCFA. The priority projects in these sectors, namely agricultural inputs, development of new lowlands, processing equipment at subsidized prices for the benefit of women and internally displaced persons (IDPs), vaccination coverage of animals, implementation hydraulic infrastructure, sanitation and evacuation of wastewater and excreta, support from the Water and Forestry Department, were the subject of particular attention, with a view to allowing their normal development.

Humanitarian, near of 50 billion FCFA

In connection with the security crisis, the humanitarian field benefited from an amount of 49.9 billion FCFA, in 2024, representing 1.8% of the State Budget, against 48.6 billion FCFA, in 2023.o

Ambéternifa Crépin SOMDA


What is the contribution of the 3 revenue authorities?

-Directorate General of Taxes (DGI): 1,565,225,601,000 FCFA

-Directorate General of Customs (DGD): 1.106. 200,000,000 FCFA

-General Directorate of the Treasury and Public Accounting (DGTCP): 245,369,229,000 FCFA.

Box 2

Contribution of revenue authorities to the Patriotic Support Fund, in 2024

DGI: 75 billion FCFA

DGD: 12 billion FCFA

DGTCP: 13 billion FCFA.

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