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State Border Guard Prevents Illegal Crossings and Identifies Offenders

On Monday, January 22, officials of the State Border Guard did not detect any attempt by people to illegally cross the Latvian-Belarus state border, in total five people have been prevented from illegally crossing the state border this year.

On the external borders and inside the country found 55 offenders.

On the outer borders36 border violators were found, including:

  • Entry to Latvia was denied to nine foreigners

Seven Vietnamese and two Georgian citizens were denied entry to Latvia at the Riga airport border control point, as the foreigners could not justify the purpose of entry and stay. Persons returned to the countries of departure.

  • Six foreigners were found to have violated the conditions of stay

At the Terekhova, Pāternieku and Riga Airport border control points, four citizens of Uzbekistan, one of Belarus and one of Tajikistan were found to have violated the conditions of stay (exceeded the period of stay specified in the visa, no valid visa or residence permit) in the countries of the Schengen zone. Persons brought to administrative responsibility.

  • Two Latvian citizens have been banned from leaving the country

At the border control point of the “Riga” airport, one minor Latvian citizen leaving for Istanbul who did not have at least one parent’s notarized consent for the child to leave the country and one Latvian citizen leaving for London, whose document is not valid for leaving the UK, were detected. Persons are prohibited from leaving the country.

Carrying out immigration control measures within the country violations of the rules of entry or stay were found for eight persons – four, one citizen of Latvia, one citizen of Russia, one citizen of Uzbekistan and one citizen of Lithuania.

For violations in the field of operation of vehicles and vesselsOfficials of the state border guard have called administrative responsibility or prevented 11 persons from crossing the border – four citizens of Belarus, two of Latvia, one of Russia, one of Estonia, one of Kyrgyzstan, one of Moldova and one of Ukraine.

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2024-01-23 07:43:14
#January #border #country #portal

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