Home » today » Business » Starvation pensions from ZUS. Some Poles have to earn extra money to survive [22.08.2020]

Starvation pensions from ZUS. Some Poles have to earn extra money to survive [22.08.2020]

More and more Poles have to survive on starvation pensions. Many of them are forced to look for additional sources of financing to improve their lives. What are some ways to earn extra money for retirement? Experts from the DOM Mortgage Fund suggest.

ZUS starvation pensions

Starvation pensions from ZUS are a problem that affects over 250 thousand Poles. Only since December 2017, the number of people receiving the lowest benefits has increased by over 100,000. The problem mainly concerns those seniors who do not have full insurance experience, that is, 20 years for women and 25 years for men.

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– These people can not even count on the minimum pension that currently amounts to PLN 1,200. Every day we talk to many seniors who admit that they are struggling with financial problems. Anyway, finances are one of the main reasons why they decide on an annuity – reminds Robert Majkowski, President of the Mortgage Fund DOM.

Many retirees decide to take up additional work to earn some extra money for their retirement

No wonder that many retirees decide to take on extra work to earn extra money for their retirement. However, not everyone knows what they can do to improve their existence.

See our gallery below to see how you can earn some extra retirement:

Earning extra money for your retirement

Experts from the DOM Mortgage Fund suggest how seniors can earn extra money for their modest retirement pension. There are at least a few ways:

  • Own company – enterprising pensioners may decide to open their own business, the advantage of running their own business by a senior will certainly be exemption from social security contributions – one burden will then be the health insurance premium,
  • Bank loan – pensioners who suddenly need a financial injection may decide to take a bank loan; however, such a decision must be carefully thought over and carefully read the loan terms before signing the contract,
  • Perpetuity – is a solution for those seniors who own real estate, e.g. a house or a flat. They can then sign an annuity contract with a mortgage fund and in exchange ownership to receive additional cash benefits. At the same time, under the relevant provisions (personal easement of the flat), they can live in their own apartment for life. The amount of the annuity depends, inter alia, on on the age and sex of the pensioner and on the value of the property,
  • Room rental – seniors who have a larger flat may rent one room, usually for a student; the rent charged from the landlord will certainly improve the home budget,
  • Neighborly cooperation – you can save a lot on shopping by buying larger quantities, so a neighborhood group that decides to take such a step can save about 20% on everyday products, if instead of going to a local store, they go to a warehouse, for example,
  • Childcare – many working parents are looking for a good, experienced and at the same time available babysitter for their toddler; seniors can prove themselves very well in this role, especially if they have experience in caring for their own grandchildren,
  • Crafts and minor repairs – golden hands are worth their weight in gold today! Performing minor repair work will allow you to earn extra money, and will also provide the senior with activity and company in retirement,
  • Seasonal work – this is an offer only for seniors with good health; although the work is hard at times, sometimes it allows you to earn even a second pension.

As you can see, there are many ways to earn extra money. The most important thing is for the senior to choose the method that suits him best.


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