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Starting signal for the children and youth million: One million euros for your ideas | PID Press

Order a free game for brainstorming online

Vienna (OTS) The ideas of children and young people for the city of the future are “important”: over 380,000 children and young people up to the age of 19 live in Vienna. That’s almost 20 percent of the entire city population. They are the experts for their own concerns and interests. And they have their whole future ahead of them. Therefore, for the second year in a row, the City of Vienna is awarding a total of one million euros to the ideas for the city submitted by children and young people from Vienna in the pioneering project “Children and Youth Million”.

This means: In total, the children’s and young people’s ideas worth up to one million euros will be implemented after a review process and an online vote. From now on, ideas from children, classes, kindergarten groups or clubs can be submitted online until November 15th. The card game “Young Vienna” was also developed for the idea generation process, in which children and young people can playfully develop an idea together in a participatory and democratic process. The game can be played for free online be ordered.

Vice Mayor and Youth City Councilor Christoph Wiederkehr tested the game with children from the municipal kindergarten in the 4th district: “Children’s creativity is limitless and that is incredibly inspiring. I’m extremely excited to see what ideas come our way this year. With the card game you can get to know topics in the city together and the children and young people can find out for themselves what exactly they want, what can be achieved and finally vote on it democratically. You learn a lot about the city and have a say in decisions.”

In the card game itself, the various main topics are presented, from nature (animals, cleanliness, environmental protection, energy) to health (nutrition, exercise), traffic (public transport, bicycles, traffic safety) and leisure (playgrounds, sports, graffiti, youth work). Children also learn with the card game what it costs to plant 20 new street trees (150,000 euros) or to build a public toilet (300,000 euros).

The Children and Youth Million is realized by the City of Vienna in cooperation with WIENXTRA.

Vucko Schüchner, Managing Director of WIENXTRA invites children and young people: “Be sure to take part! What are you missing in your city? What do you need in your district, in your neighborhood? You can easily and simply enter your ideas on the website. And you then decide which ideas will be implemented in the online vote. The Children and Youth Million is a real children and youth participation project, from start to finish.”

How does the Children and Youth Million work?

Until November 15th, ideas from children and young people living in Vienna between the ages of five and 20 can be submitted online at junges.wien.at be submitted. From mid-December 2023 to mid-January 2024, the ideas will be examined internally by various city departments for admissibility and costs. The ideas will then be further developed in co-creation workshops from February 2024 to April 2024 with employees and idea submitters. The selected projects can also be found below junges.wien.at from mid-May 2024 to the end of June 2024 for online voting.

What has changed since last year?

This year, less time will pass from the submission of the idea to the selection of the winner than last year. The winners of the Children and Youth Million will be announced by the end of the school year.

How many ideas were there last year?

More than 200 ideas were submitted to the 1st edition. 67 were released for voting. 20 ideas were ultimately chosen. The ideas will be gradually implemented within two years. Examples of realized projects: A water fountain (30,000 euros) in Karl-Wrba-Hof in Favoriten was presented in August. The “Free menstrual products” project (90,000 euros) with free sanitary pads and obs in 9 schools for one school year will also be implemented this year. “Discover Vienna hiking with fun” is an addition to the Kinderaktiv app: This is a kind of digital scavenger hunt also shares stories and information about the stations in nature and you can use it to hike the Vienna hiking pin.

Who is involved here?

In the city, different municipal authorities are working together to realize the ideas from the previous year: “Snacking in the Park” is fruit trees in the park (30,000 euros). The city gardens (MA 42) are implementing this idea. MA 42 is also responsible for the construction of a climbing wall in Floridsdorf. The MA 13 for education and youth is responsible for an online platform for girls’ networking (40,000 euros), the MA 28 (road administration) is implementing a motor skills park in Hernals together with the MA 42 (110,000 euros). Others wanted cell phone charging stations (40,000 euros) or 100 meters more sensor strips for people with visual impairments (15,000 euros).

What are the general conditions for the millions of children and young people?

The ideas must be legal and in line with the city’s strategies. Children and young people between the ages of 5 and 20 who live in Vienna can play. Clubs, kindergarten groups and school classes can also submit. There should be no need for permanent staff and the ideas proposed must serve the common good. The project is about participation and democracy education. The young people learn that they can make a difference. You can get involved and grievances can be highlighted, such as with the “Flopsy” project. In the 21st district, the idea of ​​psychological help for young people won (50,000 euros).

Which ideas were special??

Last year, the idea was particularly special to set up a slackline through the entire city. Not all ideas are feasible, but every submission will of course be viewed and monitored.

What is taken into account in the ideas?

The focus of the ideas is innovation, appropriation, cooperation, self-empowerment, inclusion, sustainability and the suggestions are intended to benefit the general public. They must not be violent, exclude anyone and not require permanent staff. In addition, the ideas should be feasible within 2 years.

Questions & Contact:

Nina Oezelt
Media spokesperson for Vice Mayor Christoph Wiederkehr, MA
Tel.: +43 1 4000 83221
E-Mail: nina.oezelt@wien.gv.at

Susi Dieterich
WIENXTRA communication, management
+43 1 909 4000 84375

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