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Starting from lying to parents, Toto Sugiri turns into RI’s ‘Bill Gates’


The figure of the President Director of PT DCI Indonesia, Otto Toto Sugiri become a new face in the row of the richest people in Indonesia. To achieve his current success, Toto has a special story.

Who would have thought, the man nicknamed the ‘Bill Gates of Indonesia’ started all this by lying to his parents. How come?

Toto admitted that he had to lie to his parents when he was about to enter college. The Sigma founder said he loved math and wanted to become a teacher. However, his ideals did not get the blessing of his parents. Toto was directed to become a doctor.

“We don’t need our parents argue. So if you want to register for the first choice of medicine, you can’t negotiate the second option and you can’t do math. Yes, I’m an engineer, I enter electrical engineering. I think electro is a lot of math,” he said during an interview at the DCI Indonesia office, on the Ask d’Boss . event detik.com.

Until finally, Toto went to Germany to take a college test. As it turned out, the grades earned were enough to get into medicine. However, Toto lied to his parents. He only admitted that he was accepted in the electrical department.

“In Germany, the tests and other tests are good, the results are good in a month, I can get medicine. But I just said I couldn’t, I got electro,” he said.

Then, he took a master’s degree majoring in informatics. Although, when he entered the department, Toto had no idea what he would become after graduating.

“So I was confused about going to graduate, stop not finishing it first, until finally it was uncomfortable for parents to be asked when they graduated from school,” he explained.

Toto finally returned to Indonesia after completing his studies in Germany. He had to go home because his mother was sick.

“The process of returning home was accidental because my mother was sick. So I came home to see that her illness was quite severe. I left my job there and accompanied my mother for almost a year of treatment until my mother died,” he said.

Deciding to have a career in Indonesia, Toto admitted that he had difficulty getting a job with a background as a programmer. At that time in 1981 or 1982 there was no company that needed programmers. He even said that there are only two companies in Jakarta that have computers.

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