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Start to speak to relatives in MH17 process at Schiphol

In the MH17 trial in the extra-secure court at Schiphol, the first relatives have their say today. About ninety relatives of victims from home and abroad will make use of their right to speak in the next three weeks.

The first surviving relative to speak is Ria van der Steen. She lost her father and stepmother and is involved as a board member in the survivors’ organization Stichting Vliegramp MH17.

Two Australian relatives then follow via a video connection and another six Dutch people tell their story in the courtroom. Fifteen minutes of speaking time has been set aside for each relative.

Some speakers will bring visual material or personal items to support their story in the coming weeks. The court has agreed to this.


According to lawyer Arlette Schijns, every next of kin chooses his or her own approach. “One goes into the consequences of the disaster, the other goes back to the day it happened.” Some will address the four suspects in the MH17 trial directly.

Three Russians and a Ukrainian are on trial for the downing of the Malaysia Airlines plane in July 2014. The Public Prosecution Service suspects that they had an important role in setting up and removing the missile installation with which the plane was shot down over Ukraine. 298 people died in the disaster, most of them Dutch.

Like the rest of the MH17 trial, the court also broadcasts victim statements live. Relatives can choose not to be photographed.

View here a look back at the disaster with MH17 and the national day of mourning:

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