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Start of the murder trial of Peter R. de Vries: ‘Something to look forward to and look forward to’

Today the trial of the two men suspected of the murder of Peter R. de Vries starts in the court of Amsterdam. The crime reporter was shot in the center of Amsterdam on July 6, just after he left the RTL Boulevard studio. He died nine days later.

1. What can we expect at this session?

The process begins with an introductory session. The Public Prosecution Service will tell how far the police investigation has progressed and what still needs to be done in the near future. The lawyers for the two suspects may also request further investigation. One question that could be addressed, for example, is whether a psychological report on the suspects is necessary.

The court takes into account the great interest in the case and has set up various courtrooms where the public can watch. Family members and friends of Peter R. de Vries will in any case be present at the hearing.

It will be a difficult day for De Vries’ two children, says their lawyer Annemiek van Spanje. “On the one hand, they are looking forward to it, because it is the start of the criminal proceedings against the two men who are held responsible for the death of their father. On the other hand, they are very much looking forward to it, because it is a heavy and emotional day will be.”

The Netherlands still sympathizes, she notices. “Flowers, presents, paintings and messages of support are still being delivered daily.”

Also some relatives of cold cases have indicated that they want to attend the trial, because De Vries has meant so much to them. And of course there will be a lot of press, both from home and abroad.

“There is a lot of international interest in this process, because the Netherlands is still seen in Europe as a narco state where things are now getting out of hand,” says Peter Schouten, lawyer for crown witness Nabil B. and good friend of De Vries.

The two suspects themselves are not obliged to be present.

2. Who are the two suspects?

The suspected shooter is 22-year-old Delano G. from Tiel. The 35-year-old Kamil E. from Maurik would have been his driver.

De Telegraaf previously wrote that Delano G. is a cousin of a contact person of Ridouan Taghi. This would provide a possible link to the Marengo trial, in which Taghi and his co-defendants are on trial.

The newspaper spoke to relatives of G., who stated that he one and a half tons would receive for the liquidation of De Vries. She described Delano G. as someone who loves rapping and dancing, and is very sensitive to status and attention.

As a teenager, Delano G. came into contact with the police several times. He was already incarcerated at the age of 17 for street robberies and burglaries.

Kamil E. also has a criminal record. He comes from Poland and recently lived in Maurik, where he had just started a handyman business. A few days before the attack on De Vries, he was arrested by the Dutch police; he allegedly threatened his landlord.

The Public Prosecution Service suspects both men of the murder of De Vries.

3. What is the evidence so far?

A lot, it seems. The center of Amsterdam is full of cameras and the suspects were quickly traced thanks to surveillance images. In addition, there were dozens of witnesses who saw something of the shooting on Lange Leidsedwarsstraat or took pictures with their telephones.

For example, someone saw the suspects drive away on the Prinsengracht in a Renault Kadjar. The police managed to get a picture of the car and follow it. The men were arrested shortly after the attack on the A4 near Leidschendam.

Weapons were also found during the arrest of Delano G. and Kamil E.: a converted alarm pistol and an automatic firearm. It is obvious that the murder weapon has also surfaced, but the Public Prosecution Service only wants to say something about it during the hearing.

A week before the murder, Kamil E. would have also kept an eye on the RTL Boulevard studio and looked at where De Vries parked his car. Shortly before the attack, he would have dropped off Delano G. in the center and picked him up again.

Lawyer Peter Schouten says he will follow the process closely: “I want to know exactly what evidence is presented, who these people are, why they did this and whether anything is becoming clear about the client.”

4. Is anything known about who ordered the murder of De Vries?

New. The trial that begins today is purely about the execution of the murder. The question is whether the two suspects provide any clarification about other people involved. Experience shows that suspects of liquidations usually reveal very little.

The Public Prosecution Service said earlier that it is likely that De Vries was murdered because of his role in the Marengo trial, the case against Ridouan Taghi and his co-defendants. De Vries acted as advisor to the crown witness in that case. However, there is no concrete evidence for the statement of the Public Prosecution Service.

5. What about the investigation into De Vries’ security?

That has only just begun. There was a lot of fuss about it before the start. Initially, Tjibbe Joustra was to lead the investigation, but this was met with resistance. Joustra was previously the head of (the predecessor of) the NCTV. That is the organization that coordinates the security of seriously endangered persons. Joustra would therefore not be independent enough.

That is why the Dutch Safety Board is now going to take a closer look at De Vries’ security, even though he has refused it himself. The council also looks at other incidents that seem to be related to the Marengo trial: the murder of the brother of crown witness Nabil B. and the murder of lawyer Derk Wiersum.

After the death of Peter R. de Vries, the security of people around the Marengo process was hastily increased again. The government should assume what danger is imaginable, experts say. The trouble with this is that almost everything is now imaginable.

A new reality that the services themselves still have to get used to, lawyer Onno de Jong notes. He too is being protected for his involvement in the Marengo trial. According to him, security is getting better, all his “teething problems and initial problems” are still not out of the world.

“I do hope that the government is now aware of the need for security. That they continue to do so energetically and not think after six months: nothing has happened, so it must be good.”

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