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Start of classes: how was the covid protocol for primary, secondary and university | Chinstraps, social distance, vaccines and health pass

There are few days left before the start of the 2022 school year, both at the primary and secondary levels and at the university level. Despite the decrease in covid cases, the pandemic remains a concern. In any case, compared to the year 2021, the protocols in educational establishments have become more flexible at all levels, as has happened in the rest of society. The huge percentage of vaccinated people and greater availability of information about the coronavirus are largely explanations for relaxing restrictions.

When do classes start in primary and secondary?

In most of the country boys and girls will return to primary and secondary schools on March 2. The exceptions are the provinces of Mendoza and Corrientes and the City of Buenos Aires: the first 2 will start their school year on February 21stwhile CABA will do it on the 14th of the same month.

Sanitary pass in schools

Although the Nation did not include the health pass within the protocols, there are 2 provinces that will request full vaccination for the start of classes: Santa Cruz and Formosa.

How is the Safe Classroom protocol

  • Care assistance: in the presence of symptoms or general malaise -associated or not with COVID-19-, staff and students should not go to school and must remain in isolation following the current criteria. It is recommended that they carry out the corresponding medical consultation.

  • Use of chinstrap from the primary level: must cover the nose, mouth and chin, well adjusted to the face and during the entire educational day in closed spaces.

  • An outbreak of COVID-19 in the classroom will be suspected in the presence of at least 3 confirmed cases among students in the same classroom -or students and teacher, in the case of permanent teachers- epidemiologically associated, in a period equal to or less to 7 days.

When do classes start at national universities?

According to the academic calendar, in the Buenos Aires’ University (UBA) the first quarter begins on Monday, March 21. On February 14 there were special exams.

The National University of Tres de Febrero (UNTREF) The first semester will begin on March 14, while the admission course will start on March 2.

In the National University of San Martin (UNSAM) the University Preparation Course (CPU) will begin in two shifts, February and March; while the first quarter will start on 03/14/2022 for re-enrolled students and between 3/21 and 04/04 for short CPU entrants, which responds to the initial course for all the university’s complete degree courses.

The National University of La Plata (UNLP) will start classes on March 2 for first-year students. Students from 2nd to 5th year will start courses on 3/14.

The National University of Quilmes (UNQ) The course will start on March 28.

Meanwhile, the National Technological University (UTN) The course will begin on March 14, 2022.

Protocols and health pass in universities

So far, 6 Argentine universities have confirmed that they are going to ask for a complete vaccination schedule to return to classes. The first to announce it was the National University of Salta (UNSA) and was joined by the University of La Matanza (UNLaM), la National Technological University (UTN), la National University of Rosario (UNR), the National University of Formosa (UNaF) and the University of La Plata (UNLP).

On the contrary, the National University of Córdoba (UNC) reported that he is not going to ask for the sanitary pass for students or for those who work in higher education institutions. The determination was agreed upon jointly with the teaching unions and the University Federation of Córdoba.

Meanwhile, the National University of Whose (UNCUYO) in Mendoza, the National University of San Martin (UNSAM) and the National University of Comahue (UNCo), in Neuquén, plan to evaluate the situation and communicate their determinations in the first weeks of February.

Finally, the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) Nor has it been defined whether it will request vaccination certificates.

Regarding the protocols, the Minister of Education Jaime Perczyk recently assured that the requirement of the use of the chinstrap and social distance.

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