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start of a nightmare ranking round for Mauro Nespoli – OA Sport



6.31 Italy continues to drop in the standings and is currently 14th among the nations registered in the Mixed Team Event with 815 points, but can manage a good safety margin (17 points) against the “red zone”.

6.27 Great difficulty for Mauro Nespoli, who collects a new 52 in the third volley and is only 54th in the standings at 157 points after 18 arrows in the round ranking. The host Hiroki Muto resists the lead with 171 points, +1 over the Korean Kim Je Deok and +2 over the Turkish Mete Gazoz.

6.22 Italy slipping to 12th place in the Mixed Team Event ranking with 763 points. South Korea tops 794 ahead of Mexico, Japan and the United States. First of the excluded at the moment is Brazil with 743 points.

6.19 Nespoli struggles to get into gear and scores a negative 53 in the second volley (only one 10 and the other shots between 9 and 8), however gaining some positions and placing himself in 50th partial place with 105 points. Solitary leadership for the Japanese Hiroki Muto at 115 points after 12 arrows.

6.12 Italy which, inevitably, loses some positions in the general classification of the Mixed Team Event and is currently in eleventh place with 710 total points. Still 20 points of margin on 17th place.

6.09 Unfortunately Mauro Nespoli starts badly, sunk by a 5 that temporarily relegates him to 55th position at 52 points after 6 arrows. Leading the pair formed by the Turkish Mete Gazoz and the Japanese Hiroki Muto, both at 59.

6.04 Halfway through qualification (therefore after the women’s ranking round), Italy is virtually seventh in the standings among the nations entered in the mixed pairs test.

5.59 Top 10 goal for Mauro Nespoli, who will then play his cards in the knockout challenges with a view to the podium, also being able to count on a great deal of experience in this context (this is his fourth career Olympics).

5.58 Now here we are, soon the 64 athletes competing will begin the first of the 12 scheduled ranking round volleys.

5.54 Only the first 16 at the end of the ranking round (through the combined score of the best man and the best woman of each nation) will qualify for the main draw, while the other 13 countries in the competition will be eliminated and excluded from the fight for the medals.

5.51 As for the individual competition, the ranking round will serve exclusively to establish the seeding and consequently the knockout tennis scoreboard starting from the 32nd final. A separate discussion for the Mixed Team Event.

5.48 Italy represented in the male field by Mauro Nespoli alone, who will take part in the individual competition and in the new mixed pairs test together (in all probability) with Chiara Rebagliati. Bel Paese unfortunately absent in the men’s team competition, after failing to qualify for five circles in the Paris Pre-Olympic with the trio.

5.44 After the women’s ranking round, in about a quarter of an hour it will be the men’s turn. 72 arrows each (64 athletes competing) that will determine the single elimination scoreboards of the individual and team men’s competition, in addition to the brand new Mixed Team Event.

5.40 Good morning friends of OA Sport and welcome back for the second part of this first day of archery competitions at the Tokyo 2021 Olympic Games.

4.05: That’s all for now, appointment at 6.00 for the men’s race. For Italy on the platform only Mauro Nespoli. See you later!

4.04: It will therefore be Italy-Great Britain in the round of 16 and the winner will go to face the Korean battleship that placed three athletes in the first three places. In the chronicles also the pairings of the female individual challenges

4.02: Good news, however, for the mixed test with the tenth place of Rebagliati which puts Nespoli in the conditions to be able to complete the qualification even with a non-extraordinary race.

4.01: This is the top ten of the individual qualification:

1 KOR AN San 680
2 KOR JANG Minhee 677
3 KOR KANG Chaeyoung 675
4 MEX VALENCIA Alejandra 674
5 USA BROWN Mackenzie 668
6 MEX ROMAN Aida 665
7 JPN YAMAUCHI Azusa 665
8 ROC PEROVA Ksenia 664
9 IND KUMARI Deepika 663
10 ITA REBAGLIATI Chiara 658

3.59: On an individual level Rebagliati closes in the top ten, tenth with 658, Boari is 23rd with 651, Andreoli only 52nd with 627. Race below expectations for the third of the blue

3.57: This is the final result of the team competition:

1 Republic of Korea 2032
2 Mexico 1976
3 United States 1970
4 Japan 1957
5 China 1952
6 ROC 1945
7 Chinese Taipei 1937
8 Italy 1936
9 Great Britain 1916
10 Germany 1909
11 Ukraine 1889
12 Belarus 1882

3.54: Here comes the most feared verdict! Italy is eighth for only one point, overtaken in extremis by Taipei and therefore will face Great Britain in the second round and could meet the terrible Korea in the quarterfinals.

3.50: Always in the lead the Korean trio with An 624, Jang and Kang 621. Fourth is the Mexican Valencia with 618, fifth is the American Brown with 614

3.49: On an individual level Rebagliati is 11th with 601, Boari 17th with 597 and Andreoli 40th with 579

3.47: The last series of arrows is missing and Italy currently maintains the seventh position which would allow Korea to be avoided in the quarter-finals of the team match. However, the Italians have only 2 points ahead of Taipei and 3 points behind Russia with a score of 1777. Korea leads with 1866, then Mexico with 1812 and the USA with 1808.

3.43: Always in the lead the Korean An with 568 but now her two companions are the most immediate pursuers: Kang with 564, Jang with 562, then the Mexican Valencia and the American Brown with 559

3.41: Rebagliati confirms himself in 13th place with 546, Boari goes back to 20th place with 542, Andreoli drops to 43rd place with 526

3.40: Italy goes back to seventh place when only 12 arrows are missing at the end. 1614 for the blues, one distance from Russia, with a 5-point lead over Taipei, now eighth. Leads Korea with 1694, ahead of usa (1655) and Mexico (1642)

3.34: Italy with 1.446 is always eighth in the team competition just one point from Taipei. Leading Korea with 1525, second USA with 1489, third Mexico with 1482

3.31: Bad series of Boari who collapses into penultimate position. The blue, burned by the 6 in the last arrow of the previous series, goes into difficulty and totals only 51, falling to 27th position with 384, well Rebagliati with 490, is 14th, Andreoli is 46th with 472

3.25: Now the eighth place risk for the blue is given that they are eighths, overtaken by Taipei and China. The Italian team scored 1288 points and is one distance from Taipei. Korea leads with 1354, second USA with 1323, then Mexico with 1314

3.24: Pair in 20th place for Italy Boari and Rebagliati with 433, Andreoli is 39th with 422

3.22: In the individual race always the Korean An in front with 457, second the Korean Jang with 450, third Brown (USA) with 449, fourth Valencia (Mex) and Jang (Kor) on 447

3.19: In the team competition the blues are reached by Taipei in sixth place at 1127 and maintain two points ahead of China, currently eighth, with 1125. Korea always ahead with 1185, then the USA with 1152 and Mexico with 1314

3.18: Unchanged situation for the blue after 42 arrows: Boari 18th with 380, Rebagliati 21st with 377, Andreoli 40th with 370

3.00: Small break and shooting will resume soon with the second part of the competition

2.57: In the individual test the Korean An with 345 points is in front, second the Korean Jang with 339, then Brown 8Usa) with 336, Kumari (Ind) and Barankova (Svk) with 334

2.56: In the team test Italy maintains the sixth position with 967. Korea first with 1017, then USA with 987, Mexico with 985

2.54: At the halfway point Boari is the best of the blue. Great comeback for her who is in 18th position with 326, Rebagliati 21st with 323, Andreoli is 37th with 318

2.50: In the individual test always in front of the Korean An with 287, then the other Korean Kang with 281, the Mexican Valencia with 280, then four athletes at 279: Marchenko (Ukr), Barankova (Svk), Kang (Kor), Brown (USA)

2.48: In the team competition Italy goes back to sixth place with 810 points. In front of Korea (847), Mexico (826), Japan (821)

2.47: The blue go up when you get close to halfway through the race. Rebagliati is 18th with 272, Boari is 21st with a quad of 10 in the last series of 6 arrows and 270 points, Andreoli recovers and is 30th with 268

2.42: In the lead, after 24 arrows, the Korean An with 230, followed by the Ukrainian Marchenko and the Mexican Valencia with 225, fourth the Japanese Yamaguchi and the Korean Jang with 224

2.40: Italy is seventh in the team ranking at the moment with 641. 675 for Korea leading the ranking

2.38: Boari goes up, Rebagliati stable, Andreoli collapses who scores only 50 points in six arrows. Rebagliati is 209th with 216, Boari goes back to 34th place with 213, Andreoli drops to 40th with 212

2.30: In the lead there is, increasingly alone, the Korean An with 174, followed by Marchenko (Ukr) 171, Brown (Usa) 169, Valencia (Mex), Jang (Kor), Kang (Kor) 168,

2.29: The two blue remain around the twentieth position after 18 arrows: Rebagliati 20th with 163, Andreoli 23rd with 162. Boari climbs up to 47th position with 156

2.17: After 12 arrows the blues move further away from the top positions: Rebagliati is 22nd with 108, Andreoli is 28th with 107, Boari 54th with 102. In the lead the Korean An with 116, then Marchenko with 114, Brown (USA), Jang (Cor), Roman (Mex) with 113

2.13: After the first 6 arrows in the head there are four athletes: the Ukrainian Marchenko, the Korean An, the American Kaufhold and the German Kroppen with 58 points. The blue: Andreoli 55 points, Rebagliati 54 points, Boari 50 points

2.01: Qualification pitches started. Soon the first updates

1.58: Sixty-two archers are competing

1.56: The ranking round will also be valid as a qualification phase for the Mixed Team Event (mixed pairs trial), since only 16 of the 29 countries registered will be admitted to the final phase through the combined score obtained by the best man and the best woman of each nation. For Italy there will be Nespoli and Rebagliati

1.52: In the men’s sector there will be only Mauro Nespoli to represent the blue team

1.50: Italy will be represented in the women’s field by Tatiana Andreoli, Lucilla Boari and Chiara Rebagliati

1.47: Each athlete will shoot a total of 72 arrows, which will determine the seeding of all five knockout draws planned in Japan.

1.43: It starts at 2 with the women’s ranking round, then it will also be the men’s turn from 6 onwards

1.40: Good morning or good night friends of OA Sport and welcome to the live stream of the first official day of archery competition at the Tokyo 2021 Olympic Games.

Ranking round presentationProgram on TV / streaming and all the Italians competing todayThe favorites race by race

Hello friends of OA Sport and welcome to LIVE LIVE on the first official day of archery competition at the Tokyo 2021 Olympic Games. It starts at 2 am of the Italian night with the women’s ranking round, then it will also be the men’s turn from 6 onwards.

Each athlete will shoot a total of 72 arrows, which will determine the seeding of all five knockout scoreboards planned in Japan. Italy will be represented in the women’s field by Tatiana Andreoli, Lucilla Boari and Chiara Rebagliati, while as regards the men’s sector Mauro Nespoli will appear on the shooting line.

Ranking round that will also be valid as a qualification phase for the Mixed Team Event (mixed pairs trial), given that only 16 of the 29 countries registered will be admitted to the final phase through the combined score obtained by the best man and the best woman of each. Nation.

The appointment is therefore set at 2 o’clock in the night in Italy for the start of today’s archery competitions in Tokyo. OA Sport will offer you LIVE LIVE full text of the event with real-time updates so as not to miss a single shot by the Italian archers at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad: have fun!

Foto: World Archery

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