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Stars Who Lost 26 kg: Murad Makram’s Weight Loss Journey

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[1] ​ Mastering ‍News Writing:⁣ techniques adn Principles for ‌Effective …

Focusing on the principles and techniques essential for effective news writing, this section covers the 5Ws and 1H (Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How), the inverted pyramid structure, ‍and critiques of customary‍ news writing styles. It traces the origins‍ of the inverted pyramid to the⁤ American Civil War, highlighting its ‍utility in prioritizing details. Moreover, ⁤it discusses the …

URL: https://journalism.university/reporting-techniques/mastering-news-writing-effective-journalism-techniques/

[2] News Writing Fundamentals: Tips, Tricks & Best Practices

News⁣ writing is constantly evolving, ​and as a news writer, it is essential to stay updated on current events, trends, and developments. Regularly read newspapers, follow reputable news outlets, and stay connected with the world around you. This will not only keep your writing fresh but ⁣also help you identify potential story ideas. Conclusion

URL: https://www.yellowbrick.co/blog/journalism/mastering-news-writing-fundamentals-tips-tricks-best-practices

[3] ‌ Writing a News Article: From Theory to Engaging Practice

If ​you missed Parts 1 and 2,⁢ be sure to​ check them out to catch up on the grammar and writing activities that set the⁢ stage⁤ for this exciting ⁤final step. ‌Step 1: The Theory; a.k.a the uninspiring part. PDF.

A king revealed in⁢ the program ‍“Al -Sattat what they do not know.” Although this rapid loss of weight affected⁤ the features of her face and made some think that she is sick, the improvement of her psychological state⁣ prompts her to change her lifestyle.

Then I started following a healthy diet, ⁢exercising, as well as using medications⁢ under⁤ medical supervision.

Shaima Seif

As for Shaima Seif, she chose to perform the⁤ gastric gut after her long suffering with obesity and her health effects. Even⁤ though her husband, Mohamed Carter, objected to the operation for fear of her, Shaima decided ⁣in the end to complete the operation, and confirmed in an interview with the media, Iman Younis, that her husband was initially‍ concerned, but he became happy after the operation.

URL:‌ https://aboutmsr.com/?p=133979

interview with Iman Younis on Gastric⁤ Bypass Surgery

Editor: ⁤What⁣ was ‍the primary ⁢motivation for Shaima Seif ​to undergo gastric bypass surgery?

Guest: shaima Seif​ decided to undergo gastric ‌bypass‍ surgery after years of struggling with⁣ obesity and its associated health complications. She wanted to significantly ⁢improve her health and overall quality of life.

Editor: ⁤How did her family, specifically her husband Mohamed⁤ Carter, initially react to‌ her decision?

Guest: ⁢Although⁢ initially concerned for her safety, Mohamed Carter initially ⁤objected to the surgery due to his fears. However, once‍ Shaima expressed her ​commitment to the procedure and explained her⁤ reasons, her husband‌ became more ⁤supportive.

Editor: How ‌did the ‍actual surgery experience impact her family ‍dynamics?

Guest:‌ After⁤ the surgery, there was a ⁢notable‍ shift ⁤in ⁢the family’s dynamics. Mohamed carter saw the⁣ positive changes in Shaima’s ⁣health ⁤and well-being, wich eventually‍ made him happy and supportive of her decision.

editor: What lifestyle changes did Shaima make​ along with the surgery?

Guest: After the​ surgery, Shaima set ​out on a journey to adopt a healthier lifestyle.‍ She ⁢started following a balanced diet, involved in regular exercise, and took ​medications under proper medical‌ supervision. ‌These ‍continuous ​efforts helped her maintain the⁤ positive ‌results of ‍the surgery.

Editor: How did Shaima’s ‌health and overall ​well-being improve post-surgery?

Guest: Shaima saw meaningful improvements in​ her health⁢ post-surgery. The surgery complemented her commitment‌ to a‌ healthy lifestyle,which led to a sustained decrease in obesity-related ‌issues,enhancing her overall quality of life.

Editor: What ​was the most challenging aspect of the surgery and recovery for Shaima?

Guest: The most challenging aspect was adhering strictly⁣ to the ‌post-operative ⁤guidelines and diet recommendations. It required a lot of discipline and perseverance, ⁣but ‍the benefits were well worth the effort.

Editor: Any notable moment or comment from Mohamed Carter after‍ the change?

Guest: after witnessing the positive conversion, ⁣Mohamed Carter expressed his happiness and support‌ for Shaima. He realized that the surgery was a life-changing decision that ⁤ultimately ⁣benefited her health and their relationship.

Editor: What advice would ⁢you give to others considering⁣ gastric bypass surgery?

Guest:‍ My advice would be to thoroughly ⁤research and consult‌ with healthcare professionals before making a decision. It’s​ also essential ‌to have the support of⁤ loved ones⁢ and be dedicated to making the necessary ​lifestyle‌ changes for a prosperous outcome.


The interview with Iman Younis shedding light ​on Shaima Seif’s‍ gastric bypass journey provides valuable ​insights into the transformative power of bariatric‍ surgery when complemented with a dedicated commitment ‍to a healthier⁤ lifestyle. The story underscores the‍ importance of family support and the‌ determination necessary to overcome the challenges faced during‌ the recovery and subsequent return ‍to a healthier life.

Learn⁣ more about Shaima’s story.

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