For many years in the Voitsberg area, not only high school graduates are brought to the fore, but also the best apprentices and new masters. This time the award ceremony “Stars of Styria” was held in Jufa Hall in Maria Lankowitz.
MARIA LANKOWITZ. Well-educated people are the natural resource of the region, now that lignite has no more place. The Voitsberg Chamber of Commerce with guest of honor, leader of Styria Karlheinz Dernoscheginvitation to awards ceremony”Stars of Styria” in Jufa Hall after Maria Lankowitz. “We need to make sure today that there are enough skilled workers available tomorrow,” explained Dernoscheg. 458 youth apprenticeship, they were trained there 183 companies. 40 of them were honored – with excellent final apprenticeship exams or as masters – in Maria Lankowitz. 141 passed the final apprenticeship exam, 26 with excellent results and 36 with good results.
Difficult demographic development
“More and more companies are seeing dual training as an effective strategy to combat the shortage of skilled workers,” said Voitsberg WKO president. Peter Sugar to the point. A major reason for the great challenge is demographic developments. Within 15 years, the proportion of people over 50 working in Styria has more than doubled to 150,981. In the same period, the proportion of people under 25 fell rapidly from 71,959 to 60,962. “We must not lose any more young people as dropouts,” said Sükar. For this reason this will be the same Talent Center by the Styrian Chamber of Commerce. More than 8,000 young people between 13 and 15 use this offer every year. The option to teach with a high school diploma is also popular. 1,900 Styrian youngsters used it last year and many training companies are supported.
![Several guests of honor, including many mayors, came to Maria Lankowitz. | Photo: Almer](
Directed by Maria Lankowitz Gregor Waltl in the usual funny way – from time to time interrupted by artificial ingenuity – the “Stars of Styria” gala. Not all of the 40 new stars were present. Those who received the honor were very enthusiastic, even if not all of them were true interview professionals. Dernoscheg and Sükar honored all the stars and training companies, and there was also a Uniqa competition.
Many guests of honor
Several guests of honor honored the new stars: including a Federal Councillor Elisabeth GrossmannLAbg. Erwin Dirnberger and a The Minister’s People together with Helmut Linhart, Bernd Osprian, Jochen Bocksruker, Kurt Riemer, Johannes Schmid, Franz Feirer, Roman Neumann and Engelbert Huber. Head of Jufa Monika Heinrich and then her team prepared a buffet for all the guests. Many mayors took advantage of the opportunity and honored the apprentices and masters with additional bonuses.
Stars of Styria:
Excellent teaching graduates:
- Emma Limpl (Jufa-Hotel Maria Lankowitz)
- Fabio Wenzl (Autohaus Mürzl)
- Martina Schenk (Flowers Plettig)
- Sarah Schrottner (DAU GmbH)
- Lukas Prettenthaler (Hofer KG)
- Sebastian Nunner (Holz-Her)
- Bianca Hatz (Strommer GmbH)
- Theresa Gutschi (Johannes Pharmacy)
- Lukas Kulmer and Maximilan Preßler (Krenhof AG)
- Anna Brachmaier, Gernot Lenz (Lagerhaus Graz Land)
- Jan Cus (Köflach town facilities)
- Verena Teresa Lenz and Niklas Wallner (Stoelzle Oberglas)
- Armin Herold and Janes Kalcher (Therme NOVA)
- Christian Koch (Tippler Power Building)
- Stefan Bauer (painter and house decorator)
- Thomas Bretterklieber (gas technology and sanitation)
- Jürgen Hackl (plasters)
- Patrick Hödl (baker)
- Werner Jost Jr. (painters and decorators)
- Philipp Kollmützer (master woodworker)
- Stefan Reicher (plasters)
- Florian Sabetz (heating technology)
- Tanja Uhl (pastry chef)
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2024-05-09 17:15:24
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