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Stars closer. Latvian vocal chamber music


Stars closer. Latvian vocal chamber music

2021-10-28, 19:00

Until November 24, one of the most valuable traditions of the Liepaja Symphony Orchestra – the Liepaja International Star Festival – will shine again in 5 concerts. In preparation for the 30th anniversary of the festival, which will be celebrated next March, the orchestra offers every music lover to meet more closely with the stars who visited Liepaja last summer.

This will be an opportunity to watch the concert “Latvian Vocal Chamber Music”, where together with pianist Agnes Egliņš soloists – soprano singer Ilze Grēvele-Skaraine and baritone Rinalds Kandalincevs will perform.

You can find the recording on the orchestra’s YouTube channel https://youtu.be/AhvgCdn0ntk. Later until 24.11.2021. will be able to watch right there at any time.

In this concert you will hear the scents of Latvian summer, embodied in the sounds. Jānis Mediņš’s most beautiful solo songs and Paula Līcīte’s rare sounds. Pēteris Plakids cheerful view of Latvian folk song. Arvīds Žilinska’s march around Latvia. The contemplative Romualds Kalsons, the smiling Jānis Ķepītis, the romantically moody Jāzeps Vītols and the always elegant Marģeris Zariņš.

Liepaja Symphony Orchestra

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