Home » Technology » Starlink goes international, Meta imitates Twitter in the worst way, this is the recap

Starlink goes international, Meta imitates Twitter in the worst way, this is the recap

Starlink launches a 200 dollar per month subscription for the whole world, a new Apple Watch saves the life of its owner while he sleeps, Facebook and Instagram will charge for certification… welcome to the recap of the day before!

Credits: Starlink

Yesterday, we learned that Meta really likes Twitter’s idea of ​​paying for its certification, to the point of applying the same principle on its own social networks. Another company expanding its revenue streams, Starlink is currently working on a $200 per month roaming plan. Meanwhile, a new person has escaped death thanks to their Apple Watch.

Space launches an international roaming offer for Starlink

Enjoying Starlink satellite internet “almost anywhere on the earth’s surface” will soon be possible. With finance, of course, since the service in question, called Global Roaming, will cost 200 dollars per month, according to a well-informed source. An offer that is primarily aimed at Internet users in countries not yet covered by the firm, but who will have to expect periods of “low connectivity, or even no connection at all”.

Read: Starlink will launch a $200 per month subscription that covers the whole world

This man did well to sleep with his Apple Watch

During a nap taken after his meal, a member of Reddit says that his Apple Watch sent him many alerts, to warn him of a very irregular pulse. And for good reason: worried by these notifications from his connected watch, the user decides to go see the doctor, who diagnoses him with internal bleeding. After a blood transfusion, he explains that he escaped the worst, only thanks to his Apple Watch.

Read: Without his Apple Watch, this man would probably have died in his sleep

Facebook and Instagram will make certification chargeable

After Elon Musk with Twitter, it’s Meta’s turn to charge for the famous certification badge on its social networks. The firm is currently testing a paid offer to obtain it on Facebook and Instagram, at a rate of €13/month on the web version and €16/month on a smartphone. Other advantages come with the subscription, such as a boost in the visibility of its publications.

Read: Facebook and Instagram will charge €16 per month for certification, like Twitter

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