Home » today » Business » STARK Corporation CFO Reveals Fraudulent Activities in Letter to DSI

STARK Corporation CFO Reveals Fraudulent Activities in Letter to DSI

Mr. Sattha Chantrasettalert Former Chief Financial Officer Stark Corporation Public Company Limited or STARK Revealed to “News Stock Business” that during the past week He wrote a letter to Lt. Col. Yuttana Praedum, deputy director-general of the Department of Special Investigation (DSI), that on Tuesday, June 20, 2023, he met with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) officials. .T.) to clarify STARK’s case by accepting account decoration But it’s not a silver siphon. Under the order of the 1st person, 2nd person and 3rd person for the benefit of STARK stock price which can be proven in the stock market.

In which he had a relationship with all 3 people as employees. Executive order Including taking care of finances using their own account. with benefits as wages according to the remaining balance in the account

However, beautifying the account generates fake sales. Must bring money from other businesses to pay using their account This is proved by PWC (PricewaterhouseCoopers ABAS Ltd.) audits. In order to reverse the transaction, funds must be deposited from a personal account.

Fake sales decorations ahead of 2022 prove that stock prices have gone up. The beneficiary is the first person who can be proven by the SET after Backdoor Listing (indirectly entering the stock market).

As for the accounting for the year 2020, 2021 and 2022, there was a period in which the 1st person sold shares to a large investor with the 2nd person and the 3rd person being mature. news There is a big sale of shares (Big Lot). Money is deposited into the account of the 1st person.

for composing sales in the year 2022 in the case of a large energy company Will buy STARK shares from the first person, the proportion is unknown. But there is a sign prohibiting disclosure of information. proved from the said energy company meeting report But I don’t know why it was cancelled. The perpetrators are the 2nd person and the 3rd person.

Currently, those involved in the new STARK I have known for a long time Since it is in the business group of the first person, it will provide useful information to the first person.

However, the 1st person controls the order through the 2nd person, with the 3rd person handling legal matters. Personally, he acts on account composition. financial management which was ordered by the 2nd person to prove the documents belonging to the business group of the 1st person as the authorized signatory whether the loan agreement with the bank guarantees personal Proceeds from the sale of shares and the source of various companies of the 1st person is a loan from a bank. to buy a company The 2nd person and the 3rd person are chosen.

the details mentioned above What is the 1st person? The maximum benefit from the operations of the 2nd person and the 3rd person, including the benefits according to which he has followed orders from the 2nd person.

The aforementioned clarification in order to prevent the first person from deviating from the issue as a fraudulent person. This issue started from writing accounts. for the benefit of the first person and he did not intend to escape the case in order to make the case beneficial to the said first person

At the same time, admit that He has been the account refurbisher of Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Co., Ltd. since coming into operation in 2015 to create artificial value and prepare for listing on the stock exchange. either directly or indirectly

The reporter reported that In September 2021, some of STARK’s executives and directors began negotiations withPTT Public Company Limited or PTT To invest in STARK, with an offer made for PTT to buy shares from a major shareholder worth more than 6 billion baht, but the PTT side considered that it was inappropriate. Since it may be in the scope of benefiting that existing shareholder to profit from the sale of shares, there is another offer for PTT to purchase some of the existing shares. along with buying new shares at the same time

However, the reporter has not been able to find a source to confirm the details or the format for this transaction, how it was ultimately determined. However, it was reported that PTT’s Investment Committee, which at that time had a middle executive as its chairman, Approved to propose the matter to the Risk Management Committee. To consider proposing to the Board of Directors (main board) for approval in the final step before entering into the STARK share acquisition transaction.

From checking information with high-level news sources in PTT. It found that the share purchase transaction was not considered by the Risk Management Committee. At that time, Mom Luang Chayodit Kridakorn was the chairman and the investment plan was later canceled.

According to the following news, the failure of STARK or one of STARK’s major shareholders to be unable to sell “Newly issued shares” or “existing shares” to PTT was the beginning of a division within the movement The main stakeholders began to have conflicts between them. As well as resulting in the internal accounting refurbishment process, STARK has severe financial shortages leading to plans to acquire LEONI electric cables in Germany. to be used as variables or factors to nurture the making of fake accounting in the future

Issue a summons to ‘Chanin’

Maj. Col. Yutthana Praedum, deputy director-general of the Department of Special Investigation (DSI), revealed that the DSI It is in the process of conducting a reasonable investigation. and the collection of evidence and testimony of witnesses before issuing a summons to the accused It will accelerate to the fullest in order to meet the time frame and follow up the seizure of assets to return the average amount as much as possible. Including bringing all offenders to receive criminal penalties

The investigative team Preparing to issue a summons to the accused, former chairman of STARK, Mr. Chanin Yensudchai, due to the behavior of the planner who was involved in the investigation. As for the remaining accused, they will gradually issue summons in subsequent order.

Pol Gen Sereepisuth Temeeyaves, leader of the Seri Ruam Thai Party Bring 40 representatives of victims from investing in STARK bonds, along with the legal team – the party’s lawyer team. traveled to provide additional information to the Department of Special Investigation and submit a request to speed up the prosecution Track and freeze assets of offenders or is involved in the commission of an offense

in consultation with Pol.Lt.Col.Yuttana As the head of the investigation team, Ms. Arunsri Wichawut, Director of the Special Administrative Division on June 30, past for victims to be aware of the preliminary amount of damage and the basis of the case

In the meantime Fraudsters may have assets embezzled, therefore DSI must speed up monitoring and coordination with the Anti-Money Laundering Commission (AMLO) in order to apply for a court order to freeze assets. so that in the future there will be an average return to the victims In addition, from now on, I will prepare for all the damage. to collect how many cases and how damaged Now, an appointment has been made with the Seri Ruam Thai Party to prepare information on this matter before handing it over to the DSI again.

However, apart from the DSI The criminal case will be processed. Will continue in the civil case in parallel, today (June 30), no additional evidence has been submitted. Because he knows that the DSI is investigating to determine who has done wrong. and look at the money laundering section. The legal team and victims There will also be lawsuits against insurance companies abroad.

Mr. Wantana Wongsinin, former Chief Executive Officer of Phillip Asset Management Co., Ltd., as a representative of the debenture holders group Said that the victims had previously traveled to meet with relevant agencies such as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), demanding that the money be returned to the victims. because many of them are elderly no money to buy rice The authorities should act quickly on this matter. Because in the past, many companies have entered into the rehabilitation plan and the matter has disappeared. It takes more than 5-20 years to rehabilitate, and the victim cannot live for sure. So I came to ask for the courtesy of Pol. Gen. Sereepisuth Help speed up the follow-up of the case.

“The least amount of damage that someone bought shares was about 100,000 baht and multiplied. Some of them are as high as 30 million baht, many are 85 years old or older, and some families are three siblings aged 82-86 who come to invest and finally have no money left. because it was 2 million baht per person, and everyone’s damage was not equal Some people, hundreds of thousands of baht, are already in trouble, ”said Mr. Wantana.

The Revenue Department reported false statements.

Lawon Sangsanit, Director-General of the Revenue Department, said that in the case of STARK The Revenue Department officials are currently investigating, so no special orders have been found. If any issue is incorrect, the Revenue Department already has clear guidelines. Currently working with the Department of Special Investigation (DSI), the Anti-Money Laundering Office (AMLO) and the Economic Police. working together Coordinate with each other as partners.

For the case where STARK shows false financial statements Including information about sales transactions leading to the payment of VAT falsely shown to the Revenue Department, which STARK has already paid tax. The Revenue Department has an opinion that the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission And the Stock Exchange of Thailand has to go into more detail in reporting the company’s financial statements. In the past, listed companies have credibility in their financial statements and have been audited by reputable companies. Therefore, the aforementioned financial statement information was taken as a guideline for tax calculation.

“As for the Department of Tax Returns to Stark Company or not, the Revenue Department has not yet returned the tax until the legal process has been completed. Let’s see in detail first. Because there are other errors as well pay this VAT Documents you use false documents There are other matters such as how assets will be nationalized in lawsuits, fines, penalties for submitting false documents to pay taxes. What will be the last mistake? And how much damage is still unknown, ”said the Director-General of the Revenue Department.

2023-07-03 03:08:31
#Confession #Faith #exposes #STARK #account #entering #market #hoping #profit #share #price

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