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Starfield Hype Train: Debunking Mechas and Managing Expectations

The hype got a little too big Starfield around At least according to some fans Some players believe, for example, that there will be mechas in the game Even though the creators said that we cannot control ground vehicles

Since the beginning of time, setting the bar too high can often ruin the experience, even in the case of titles that provide great entertainment at idle, whether it’s a movie or a video game. He is facing higher than necessary expectations on September 6 arriving Starfield also, since on the one hand it is a Bethesda game, so it receives special attention almost everywhere, and on the other hand, the team has been working on it for an amazingly long time, so we can rightly expect it to represent the top category in every respect. On the other hand, those who bought tickets to the first class of the hype train are starting to imagine things in the sci-fi opus that the studio itself confirmed will not be in the game.

The otherwise well-executed short films for the presentation of the cities really sparked the imagination of some people, especially the piece shown above, in which mechas also appear for a few moments. And the overzealous players didn’t need more than that, and they already started saying that we will be able to control such machine monsters in the game (or, if nothing else, in one of its DLCs), although Todd Howard had already confirmed that on the surface of the planets only we can rely on our boostpack and our legs for transportation, there will be no ground vehicles. One Reddit user asked speculating fans to lower their expectations a bit because it’s starting to go over the top. No Man’s Sky into a frenzy around, and we all know how it ended. Of course – and this is noted by a few in the comments – you can’t really compare the two cases from the point of view that Hello Games itself generated the hype with its overly ambitious statements, while here Bethesda communicates quite clearly, but such speculations (especially if made by content producers with large followings) can still be detrimental to the game, as many people who believe the conjectures may be disappointed. So let’s handle things in their place and be skeptical of any information that comes from unofficial sources. And if someone wants to control mechs in the game, the modders will probably solve it at some point, we just have to wait.

2023-07-31 10:02:27
#fans #hype #surrounding #Starfield

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