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Star Wars Special Volume 167: The High Republic

Star Wars Special Volume 167: The High Republic – In the Shadow of the Starlight (Comic)

Details Category: Reviews Published: Wednesday, 18 September 2024 12:17

Star Wars Special Volume 167
The High Republic – In the Shadow of the Starlight
(Star Wars: The High Republic – Shadows of Starlight 1-4, 2023)
Text: Charles Soule
Drawings: Ibraim Roberson, Marika Cresta and others
Translation: Matthias Wieland
Panini2024, Paperback, 124 pages, 16,00 EUR

Review by Christel Scheja

The first phase of “Star Wars: The High Republic” ended in a major debacle, as the Nihil managed to destroy “Starlight Station”, a space base on the Outer Rim that was supposed to serve as a base for the Jedi and had only recently opened. But that was just the beginning.

The crash of the space station over a planet not only caused a major shake-up in the Force and numerous deaths, including in the ranks of the Jedi, it also put the Order into a state of shock. Out of fear of the Nihil, measures are now being taken.

But is it enough to first call the Jedi Knights back from the Outer Rim to safer areas and consider countermeasures, such as making the training of the younglings and Padawans more war-ready? Or do we even have to resort to more drastic measures, as Grand Master Yoda suggests, bringing the Dark Side of the Force into play.

We already saw during the Clone Wars that the Jedi Knights, who are actually there to help the inhabitants of the planets and to bring about peace without violence, very quickly become a heavily armed order that can also carry out attack plans. However, the masters and knights are even more cautious, especially when Yoda suggests something that many people find outrageous. Because is it really right to use methods against the Nihil that actually reach far into the Dark Side of the Force? And last but not least, it also shows how the various knights who played a role in the comics and novels of the first phase cope with the shock of suddenly losing so many friends and having to deal with an overpowering opponent.

At least Charles Soule manages to make the story so that it can be understood even if you don’t know all the works of the period. The stories, which are told in leaps in time and intertwined, also offer a nice addition for fans who missed out on some aspects.

In any case, what is on offer is once again the usual “Star Wars” action, garnished with some character moments.

“In the Shadow of Starlight” supplements an important section of the first phase of “Star Wars: The High Republic” with small stories and scenes that take place in the year after the space base crashes. Fans of this part of the saga will especially enjoy it, as there are some nice additions to the important heroes.

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