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Star Wars Outlaws: Ubisoft compensates for the save game fiasco

Anyone who had to throw away their Star Wars Outlaws save game because of the patch fiasco will be compensated by Ubisoft with in-game items.

Early access players of Star Wars Outlaws had to deal with a bizarre situation: The day one patch for Ubisoft’s action game made such extensive changes that the developer recommended not continuing previously started save games but starting over to avoid problems. This meant that several hours of playing the sci-fi adventure could have been wasted – an annoying thing and not really worthy of a game release of this size today.

At least Ubisoft wants to compensate affected players for these circumstances, namely in the form of in-game content. This should also compensate for the serious errors that initially existed.

Affected Early Access players who had chosen one of the more expensive game editions will receive the Trailblazer trinket in the game as well as 100 Ubisoft Connect Units. The latter will be credited to the player accounts promptly and can be used to purchase additional in-game items.

Previously, Ubisoft had released the update to version 1.000.002, with which old and previous save games were no longer compatible. Those who continued to use these could still fall victim to serious bugs and encounter blockages in game progress. PS5 players were therefore asked to start over with a completely new save game.

Star Wars Outlaws – Video explains how the open game world was built

In a video here, Ubisoft explains in detail how they built the open game world of Star Wars Outlaws.

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