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“Star Wars” day: The star warrior from the Westerwald

News from May 4th, 2021

By Daniel-David Pirker

The Star Wars films are unofficially celebrated on May 4th and 5th every year. A special day for Jannik Bachmann from the Altenkirchen district. The 28-year-old associates far more with the Star War saga than the average citizen. His story is also an example of the unifying power of the Internet.

Jannik Bachmann (behind the cash desk) is a popular guest as a Mandolorian, including in the Hachenburg cinema “cinexx”. His leisure room (right) makes the heart of every Star Wars fan beat faster. (Photos: “cinexx” / ddp)

Region / Wallmenroth. When you enter Jannik Bachmann’s leisure room, you are immersed in another world. The eyes are drawn to helmets and life-size costumes from a galaxy far, far away ?? the Star Wars universe. Even if the story that the director George Lucas brought to life decades ago has long since become part of the collectively anchored pop culture? the 28-year-old Wallmenrother stands out. The geriatric nurse has devoted much of his free time to the extensive universe of Star Wars.

Some visitors to the Hachenburg cinema ?? cinexx ?? will have already met Bachmann without knowing it. There he had already made his “appearance” three times with a colleague. Disguised as a Mandolorian warrior, he created the right? Star Wars feeling? on the occasion of the screenings of new films from the saga. However, Bachmann’s story as a part-time Star Wars character began not long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, as it says in the intro before every Star Wars flick.

?? Now I was finally able to do what I always wanted to do ??

As with most of them, Bachmann’s childhood was shaped by Lego. He remembers a golden figurine from the building block series that was later to catapult him into a new world. For two euros he had bought the male, which was limited to 5,000 pieces. And be able to sell again for as much as 500 euros. This surprising win was to become the starting capital for Bachmann’s later passion for cosplay, i.e. the true-to-original costume of fictional characters. His passion for Star Wars had long been awakened. Now he was finally able to fulfill a long cherished wish: to afford a stylish costume. ?? Now I was finally able to do what I always wanted to do ??, recalls the Wallmenrother. In the end, it became a Storm Trooper costume for 800 euros that was supposed to draw attention to carnival events. At that time he thought to himself: ?? That is awesome, but I’ve always found Boba Fett better. ??

It was shaped, among other things, by comics from the time, which provided the background story (according to the narrative style of the time) to the bounty hunter from the Star Wars saga. According to this, Boba Fett belonged to a warrior people, the Mandalorians. Well, a true-to-the-original costume of the bounty hunter was unaffordable for Bachmann. At that time, at least 6,000 euros would have been incurred. But that only spurred the young man on. If Boba Fett wasn’t possible, it would be a representative of his people.

Bachmann found a supplier from Poland for the helmet, the most important component. He ordered the other components of the armor from England and painted them himself. This aroused in him the urge to go one step further and to become active himself in order to get closer and closer to the fictional characters. He should quickly realize: “A costume like this is never finished.” Again and again new inspirations pattered on him. By then you had long got used to your special costume on various carnival occasions. But Bachmann would soon no longer be enough. And for the rest of the year he didn’t want the armor just standing around at home.

Popular guest at various events in Germany

He became aware of like-minded people via internet forums, which should raise his passion to a new level. And so the Wallmenroth became a member of the “Mandalorian Mercs”, a worldwide costume club licensed by the film company behind Star Wars, Lucas Films (later Disney). But stop! Requirements had to be met prior to admission. The demands on the quality of the costumes are high? he had to adjust a lot himself. In 2017 he became one of around 30 German Mandalorians.

The group members are in demand as guests at various events, not just in cinemas like the one in Hachenburg. Bachmann’s first appearance as an official Mandalorian was at a charity event. Visits to children’s hospices should also follow. For the participation there are again so-called trophies, which are recorded by the club. Bachmann enthusiastically talks about how fulfilling it is for him to meet and exchange ideas with like-minded people. The side effect: Since then, his manual skills in creating costume components have also grown. And: ?? The 3-pressure technology has opened completely different doors again. ?? He now calls such a device his own. He currently has three true-to-original costumes: two Stormtroopers and of course a Mandalorian.

In the meantime he has infected friends with his passion and gives tips on buying. Through the club he also got to know a spiritual brother from Rosenheim. And his special hobby also influenced his relationship. Initially, his long-time girlfriend at least tolerated his enthusiasm without showing any interest of her own. But now she also wants to slip into the skin of a Star Wars character. “We are currently working on it”, says Jannik Bachmann. (ddp)


Star Wars Day (translated: Star Wars Day) is an unofficial holiday that has been celebrated annually on May 4th since 2011. On this day, the George Lucas film series is celebrated. May 4th was due to the English pronunciation of the date ?? May, the fourth ?? chosen because it helps the pronunciation of the sentence? May the force be with you ?? (in German:? May the Force be with you ??), which often appears in the Star Wars films, is very similar.
Some recognize the following day, May 5th, as the “Revenge of the Fifth” (in German: ?? The Vengeance of the Fifth ??), a play on words from the third episode of the Star Wars films ?? Revenge of the Sith ?? (in German: ?? The revenge of the Sith ??), and celebrate the Sith Lords and other villainous characters from the Star Wars series instead of the Jedi. Others celebrate another day later, on May 6th, on the grounds that ?? Revenge of the Sixth ?? (in German: ?? The Vengeance of the Sixth ??) a better pun on ?? Revenge of the Sith ?? be. (Source: Wikipedia)

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