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Star Citizen: Ultimate Collection Package Costs Over $60,000

If there is a game that has shown in recent years how to trick players out of their money into thinking they’re getting something for it, but actually aren’t, it’s Star Citizen. The project has raised an astonishing amount of money since its announcement more than ten years ago, but apart from various semi-playable modules, it is still not known when something that looks like a whole will come out of it.

Over the years, a lot of strange news has come to light, where the creators started to sue Crytek, and at other times you could hear that the hundreds of millions of dollars hammered out for the creation of such and such spaceship models (which can be bought for money anyway) have long since been used up.

It looks like Cloud Imperium Games (management) has now found a way to make it even better. We have long since become accustomed to insane prices being asked for one or another larger spacecraft, there are some among themwhich costs almost 730 dollars, or a good 250 thousand forints… But this is a pittance compared to the DLC that they started selling recently.

There is a certain one in the online store Package called Legatus 2953. It is described as “…the ultimate collection of over 175 ships from every major manufacturer, including all ships released and in concept up to 2953…”. Sounds good, doesn’t it? Okay, but how much does it cost?

Well, the online store price tag is $60,960, or €56,692. Which roughly corresponds to HUF 21,425,000. If you don’t know what to burn your inheritance or savings on, you will hardly get a better offer…

At the end of 2010, he joined the article writing team of PC Dome, and a few months later he also worked as a news editor. Slowly, 15,000 written materials are attached to his name in the magazine, which puts him at the top of the imaginary podium.

2024-01-06 19:26:33
#extra #million #Beat #Star #Citizen #DLC #PlayDome #online #gaming #magazine

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