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Stanislav Anastasov dropped a gas bomb. Revealed PP machinations

DPS Deputy Chairman Stanislav Anastasov threw a bomb about the gas in an interview with BNT. He exposed the machinations of “The Change”.

The energy sector is indeed in a very dire state, so dire that we don’t even yet know the true extent of what is being hidden from us. We know about some virtual contracts for which we do not have the infrastructure, we know that we ended up in this situation with very unclear actions, commented the representative, who is a member of the temporary commission that checked the termination of gas supplies.

In the commission for “Bulgargaz” we came across startling circumstances. I am talking about the behavior not of the Russian, but of the Bulgarian side. We saw how some operators reserved capacities months before the gas cut happened, Anastasov reported. And he said that this is something that is extremely expensive.

Someone clearly knew that actions would take place in which Bulgaria would be left without gas. Someone was preparing to take the market share of Bulgargaz, revealed Anastasov.

The report of the temporary commission has been forwarded to the specialized institutions. The most interesting thing is when it comes to the auction – some companies submit offers before “Bulgargaz” has even asked for any. The desire to do something for the purpose of quick profit was huge, but the implementation is like anything else – quite amateurish, the deputy also said.

Stanislav Anastasov also announced what the DPS expects from the interim government. The most important thing is to restore the dialogue with business, because it was totally broken by the previous cabinet. It is very important to bring out the real state of the country, everything that is done as PR of the government does not correspond to the real state. And to start taking the first steps towards normalization. Because the institutions were turned into executors of private interests. This is the true definition of corruption and mafia, which they deal with every day, summarized Anastasov.

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