Earlier this year, techs once again tried to draw attention to the PS5 issue. In a tweet from 68Logic, owner of a small console repair shop in France since 2010, rememberedthat PS5 should never be placed vertically – this can cause breakage.
The cause of the malfunction is the liquid metal used to cool the microprocessor. When the console is upright, it can leak through a special seal. In this case, the least that threatens you is banal overheating. However, in the worst case, the metal can flood the motherboard and kill the console completely.

A similar issue was reported by YouTuber TheCod3r a few months ago. In his video of him, he shows off an unpacked PS5 that has been sitting around for several months. The console refused to work, and after disassembly it became clear that the cause was the leakage of liquid metal.
Although the risk of liquid metal infiltration is minimal, it is best to play it safe and place the console in a horizontal position.