Home » today » News » Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee held an expanded meeting to convey the spirit of learning and implementation of the Central Conference on Economic Work-Liaoning Provincial People’s Government

Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee held an expanded meeting to convey the spirit of learning and implementation of the Central Conference on Economic Work-Liaoning Provincial People’s Government

On December 17, the Provincial Party Committee Standing Committee held an expanded meeting to convey and study the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference, and study and deploy our province to implement the work. Hao Peng, provincial party secretary, chaired the meeting.

The meeting stressed that this Central Conference of Economic Work is a very important meeting held by the Central Committee of the Party after the 20th National Party Congress. General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech at the Central Economic Work Conference provides basic guidelines for us to do a good job in the present and future economic work. We must combine the study and implementation of the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference with the study and implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the study and implementation of General Secretary Xi’s important speeches and instructions Jinping on the revitalization and development of northeast China and Liaoning.

The meeting stressed that it is necessary to fully understand the main achievements and valuable experience of my country’s economic development in the new era in the past 10 years, deeply understand the decisive meaning of “two factories”, and resolutely achieve “two maintenance”. It is necessary to insist that development is the party’s top priority in governing and rejuvenating the country, and regard high-quality development as the main task of revitalizing Liaoning, and promote economic development to achieve higher quality, more efficient , more sustainable and safer development. We must adhere to the general tone of the pursuit of progress work while maintaining stability, and on the basis of constant progress, do everything possible to break new ground, open new games, seize new opportunities and achieve new achievements, and strive to make new breakthroughs in all aspects of the job. It is necessary to uphold and improve the basic socialist economic system, adhere to the “unshakeable two”, promote state capital and state-owned enterprises to become stronger, better and bigger, and support and guide the healthy development of the private economy. We must persist in promoting openness at a high level, use openness to force reform, use openness to promote revitalization, and strive to create a new frontier of openness. We must persist in promoting economic development on the road of the rule of law, protect property rights and intellectual property rights in accordance with the law, abide by the spirit of the contract, and create a market-oriented first-class business environment, governed by the law and internationalised.

The meeting stressed that it is necessary to study and understand the Party Central Committee’s major judgments on the domestic and international economic situation, and firmly grasp the strategic initiative to do a good job in economic work. We must persist in looking at the changes in the situation in a global, dialectical and long-term perspective, grasp the overall situation, tackle difficult problems, and strengthen our confidence in development. The development trend also needs to be seen that with the support of the central government , as Liaoning’s political ecology continues to be purified, the business environment continues to improve, and the outside world’s expectations for Liaoning continue to improve. Liaoning will usher in new development opportunities. We have to roll up our sleeves and work hard. , do a good job in their own business, and strive to promote the overall revitalization of Liaoning to achieve new breakthroughs.

The meeting stressed that it is necessary to study and understand the general requirements and policy orientation of next year’s economic work, further plan and promote the revitalization and development of Liaoning on the basis of the basic conditions and development advantages of our province, scientifically plan the economic work of the whole province next year, seize opportunities, make good use of opportunities, go all out, and focus on promoting high-quality development.

The meeting stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly study and understand the “six comprehensive planning” and apply it to all aspects of economic work. Do a better job in epidemic prevention and control more scientifically, accurately and efficiently, and focus on health protection and serious disease prevention. Adhere to the promotion of advantages, consolidate the bottom plate, make up for weaknesses, and maintain reasonable economic growth on the basis of improving quality and efficiency. Create effective demand through high quality supply and achieve a higher level of virtuous circle and dynamic balance between supply and demand. Adhere to the system concept and practice standards and improve the overview. By focusing on service and integration in the new development model, we will accelerate targeted efforts to make up for shortcomings in the industrial chain and supply chain, and maintain stable and healthy economic operation. It is necessary not only to do a good job in the current job and strive for good results, but also to think ahead, make a good connection for future development, create new opportunities, and achieve new achievements in the fight against strong winds and waves.

The meeting stressed that it is necessary to study and understand the key tasks of next year’s reform and development, and promote the implementation of decision-making and the deployment of the Party Central Committee in Liaoning. Give full play to the stimulating role of investment, consumption and export, focus on the expansion of actual investment, reserve planning, and promote a number of high-quality projects; focus on restoring and expanding consumption, improve consumption conditions and innovate consumption scenarios; focus on expanding exports and fully support enterprises in order acquisition and market expansion. Put the real economy into the focus of economic development, accelerate the digital transformation of traditional manufacturing industries, create a number of innovative consortia, give full play to the supporting and guiding role of the “chain” enterprises, and form a multi-point support, simultaneous development multi-sector and diversified development as soon as possible Industrial development model. Efforts will be made to cultivate and strengthen various market entities, deepen the reform of state-owned enterprises and assets, promote the development and growth of the private economy, vigorously attract foreign companies to settle in Liaoning, and form a good situation in which companies big companies stand up and small and medium-sized companies sweep the sky. Efforts will be made to create a new frontier of openness to the outside world and high-level participation in economic and trade cooperation between China, Japan and South Korea, as well as regional cooperation in Northeast Asia and Europe. Persist in treating both symptoms and root causes, combining near and far, and effectively prevent and solve various hidden risks.

The meeting stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly study and understand the important requirements to strengthen the party’s leadership on economic work and do a good job in Liaoning with a vigorous and promising spirit and a sense of responsibility that is “always safe.” to ensure the implementation of various economic and social development tasks. It is necessary to improve the ability to lead economic work and become an expert in promoting high-quality development. It is necessary to persist in hard work, increase the sense of urgency, the sense of responsibility, the sense of mission, wait for the time to happen and promote the revitalization by catching up with others. It is necessary to stimulate the entrepreneurial vitality of the whole society, let the cadres dare to do things, local governments dare to venture, enterprises dare to do things, and the masses dare to pioneer, so that they can demonstrate new deeds through hard work and deliver new answers through hard work.

The meeting requested that the entire province study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech at the Central Conference on Economic Work as an important political task at present. Study and implement well the spirit of the Secretary’s important speech general Xi Jinping, which is reflected in next year’s provincial economic work planning and practice of promoting the overall revitalization of Liaoning to achieve new breakthroughs. Firmly trust, seek the truth and be pragmatic, work hard and be creative. Do a good job of implementing it, and transforming the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee into the actual results of high-quality development of Liaoning.

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