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Stand Up Psychologists, therapy marries cabaret

Does psychology, the realm of introspection, marry with the dynamism of stand up comedy? Judging by the success of Stand Up Psicologi, a format created by Tommaso Moratti, one would say so. In recent days the Guascone vermuteria (via Guasco) hosted the first event of the second season, selling out. Each meeting, on a monthly basis, addresses a different theme relating to psychotherapy with cabaret-style entertainment. Microphone in hand, spectators participate by sharing their opinions and, if they feel like it, their experiences. A continuous exchange that elegantly offers depth and irony, while Moratti ‘directs the traffic’ by stimulating the audience with questions and provocations. Moratti, 38 years old, is a psychologist-psychotherapist and deputy head of the Tregua therapeutic community at the Papa Giovanni XXIII centre.

How did this format come about?

“It comes from the fact that I believe in a psychology capable of leaving the therapist’s office. The idea of ​​going to the psychologist and finding yourself in front of a wise old man who explains how one is in the world must be cleared through customs.”

Do you believe that in this society, which professes to be modern and avant-garde, going to the psychologist still involves fear and embarrassment?

“Absolutely yes. For this reason Stand Up Psicologi addresses issues on which you can express yourself freely, by getting in touch with other people who can support you or make you understand what isn’t working. At a later time, the same topics can be addressed in the studio”.

Has any viewer then contacted you to come to your therapy?

“Yes, it happened and I’m happy about it. The aim was precisely to create a space that was missing in Reggio, more colloquial and without necessarily having to participate in a conference or debate. So far this format has aroused a lot of curiosity and interest”.

How do you live these evenings?

“Personally, I am always very excited in trying to identify the needs of the moment, also based on how the discussion between the participants develops. I start from a lineup but the best thing is to follow the needs of the listener.”

Can we have some previews of the themes of the next evenings?

“Next November 20th we will talk about self-esteem, in the future I would also like to discuss the topic of cherophobia. Literally, the fear of being happy. Because in this modern world we lack nothing, yet we almost never find ourselves satisfied “.

Giulia Beneventi

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