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“Stand Up Bulgaria” Reports Stable Results and Left Unity in Local Elections

“Stand Up Bulgaria” with leader Maya Manolova rated their first results in the local elections as stable during the party’s national seminar held in the village of Sokolitsa near Karlovo.

“Stand Up Bulgaria” participated in the elections as part of the LEFT coalition! and counted 234 elected municipal councilors with lists of the LEFT! and in local coalitions and elected 29 mayors of municipalities supported by the formation.
The formation reported that where the left appeared united, good results were achieved and decided to continue with the efforts to unify the left formations in our country, as a counterpoint to the assembly.

Regarding the comments of Kornelia Ninova that the BSP will not form a coalition with the formations of the LEFT!, “Stand Up Bulgaria” stated that neither the IBG nor the LEFT! options for a coalition with Ninova’s party have been discussed and they specify that they see the unification on the left as an alliance between like-minded formations that do not waver on extreme nationalism, nor allow for a centralized, authoritarian leadership of the North Korean type.

The formation commented that people expect not another party construction of political Frankensteins, but a lively, diverse left, including green, human rights, civil organizations and ideological currents.

According to the chairman of the formation, Maya Manolova, there will be a left-wing unity even without Ninova, and instead of faltering on extreme nationalism, it should provide solutions to the real problems of ordinary people and oppose the assembly at the national level.

Among the main priorities set by the formation are increasing the incomes of workers and pensioners; sealing the growth of prices and against the outrages of monopolists for electricity, water, heating; keeping Bulgaria clean – no burning of waste, reconstruction, for clean air and water, reforestation of deforested areas.

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2023-12-03 12:51:00

#Maya #Manolova #left #unification #Kornelia #Ninova

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