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STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl failed. 4/10, strangled – Games on DTF





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It all started with a book.

And how I will like her. The Incomprehensible Zone, incredible artifacts, deadly anomalies, human weaknesses and vices. Well, I think everyone knows this, that’s not what my eyeliner is about. My conclusion is that the game does not work with the atmosphere of its original source. There is simply no dangerous, incomprehensible Zone in the game.

Classic screenshot of a classic game

Everything starts well though. Cordon, beginner village, very beautiful graphics and amazing sounds. However, the first task we do not go to get an artifact or cross the Perimeter there, no, we go to shoot bandits, because we have a shooter here, damn it, and in a shooter you have to shoot, otherwise the boys will get bored. Already at this moment I was wary, but decided that okay, let’s shoot. We kill enemies, get a flash drive, and get a new task. Kill the bandits at the landfill (in between this is another interesting task – kill the military at the crossing. Although it is optional. But I couldn’t miss the opportunity to destroy the military). Then we get another task. Kill the warriors at Agroprom. And then kill the bandits in the Agroprom dungeon. The next task strikes our imagination – we need to kill mercenaries in the Wild Territory. Ugh. Then a short break – while the scientist measures some indicators, you need to kill the zombies. At least not bandits, and thank you for that…

And then you write – are you crazy? This is a shooter, in a shooter you have to shoot. But God is my witness, how annoying it is! I understand perfectly well that I’m probably the only idiot who would get a kick out of beating a game where you have to crawl for two hours, hiding from a single bandit and die in the first anomaly, but damn, I have the feeling that after completing half the game, I committed genocide the whole city! Despite the fact that in the original source there was no one at all in the Zone, literally no one could have stayed there for more than a short sortie. And in general, the feeling that I am not in the Exclusion Zone, but in the park opposite my house, does not leave me.

And don’t get me wrong. The game has some good moments. Both laboratory visits, e.g. Then the game becomes exactly what you expect from it – a mystical survival horror. Sometimes, if you get really immersed, you can catch the spirit of the game even at some Landfill.
But it’s hard. There are a lot of enemies, they are not particularly dangerous, anomalies are also not dangerous, and artifacts… Apart from strong artifacts, nothing arouses interest. Some kind of +5 to bullet resistance, -10 to bleeding, it’s not even funny. And the strong ones are interesting not because of their essence, but because they greatly increase their stats. For a very large part of the game I was simply running past “deadly” anomalies and dozens of “dangerous” mutants, because the developers didn’t make it interesting. Here I would like to remember Prey, who was also not without problems, but who gave me a sense of the danger of the Typhons and I tried not to directly conflict with them often. I would like battles to evoke precisely such emotions, fear of the enemy, and not… stuffiness.

Returning to the topic of the book and tasks in the game. In the main campaign there is not a single quest to find artifacts or investigate anomalies or anything like that. But there is a gang war here, dammit. War, bitch, factions. Two groups are crushing each other and we are offered to help them as side tasks. But I don’t want to do this; I’ve had enough of genocide in previous locations. I want another laboratory, I want some damn city, I want mystics, mutants, something.

The climax of my hatred was the finale(?). In Pripyat (WHICH I WANTED TO EXPLORE) there are a huge number of enemies and they are not mutants. You are not allowed to wander normally around the game’s main attraction. On the fiftieth killed Monolith, I realized that I had had enough and deleted the game. It’s just incredibly nauseating to shoot so much in a game where you want to wander around and listen to sad ambient music and only occasionally shoot enemies.

I understand perfectly well that my complaints about the shooter are strange, but I can’t do anything about it. I recommend reading the story, it’s interesting.

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