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Staff Rally at Novo Hospital Highlights Deplorable Working Conditions

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A staff gathering took place on Monday, October 16, in Pontoise (Val-d’Oise), at the call of an inter-union from Novo hospital. ©Fabrice Cahen

“Applauded yesterday by everyone, our colleagues are in great suffering: deplorable working conditions, violence of all types at all levels by making our agents precarious through massive recourse to fixed-term contracts and these are still the highest salary categories “, it was stated in the call for mobilization, which was held, Monday October 16, 2023, at the hospital of Pontoise (Val-d’Oise).

Health policy leads to deplorable working conditions and endangers the health of the population in all its dimensions, physical, psychological and social”, we note in the leaflet which was distributed to staff and patients of the hospital.

Informed of the gathering, management reacted in advance. Substantial resources have been allocated to the prevention of psychosocial risks “presence of three occupational psychologists, analysis of professional practices, mobilization of the occupational health service and ergonomists…”, she specified.

“A committee to combat violence has been created (on which representatives of trade union organizations sit), as well as a Quality of life at work group,” added management. Measures and a system criticized by the unions.

“The struggle committees have been held for a few months. The discussions should materialize in concrete terms in the services,” comments Éric Boucharel, Unsa Santé deputy secretary.


The subject of working conditions was extended to the “precariousness of contract workers”, also denounced by the inter-union.

“Recourse to fixed-term contracts and an active policy of perpetuating contracts has been deployed at the establishment for several years,” asserts the hospital.

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Thus, between 2021 and 2022, the Novo establishment “reduced its use of fixed-term contracts by 7.2% and increased permanent contracts by +5%, and the tenure of agents by +2%. This policy of perpetuating contracts is still in progress today,” maintains management.

“The hospital does not lay off people, but it does not renew contracts”

Here too, the unions provide their version. “It depends on which professional branches we are talking about,” observes Eric Boucharel.

“Hospital service agents (Ash) who were only 22% in 2021, represent almost 38% currently. It is true that the hospital does not lay off Cdds, but above all it does not renew contracts,” he denounces.

Never from Chu

The union debate extended to the future of the hospital which is due to undergo a major renovation of its buildings. A program which should be validated in January, but the unions remain suspicious of the announcements. “A project announced and each time postponed. Just like the idea of ​​a Chu supported by elected officials of the territory. There will never be a Chu in Pontoise,” says Eric Boucharel. “A research unit could be created, but that will not make the establishment a university hospital center,” he maintains.

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2023-10-18 23:11:10
#Health #union #mobilization #working #conditions #Pontoise #hospital

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