The staff of the health agency stopped working for 50 minutes this Thursday, September 5. A walkout by the SACEWF, CFDT and FO santé unions to denounce a number of dysfunctions within the establishment. They are demanding the resignation of the management.
At the health agency in Mata’Utu, banners are hung on the fence, and within the establishment showing the discontent of the staff. This Thursday, September 5, from 10 a.m. to 10:50 a.m., doctors, nurses, nursing assistants, technical and administrative staff stopped working.
A walkout by staff from the SACEWF, CFDT and FO unions to denounce a number of dysfunctions within the establishment. Demands which mainly denounce practices or decisions of the current management.
- Dismantling of the prevention center by the new director of public health: This crucial service has been virtually dismantled, depriving the hospital of full-time doctors as of this week. Therapeutic education nurses are now relegated to the dispensaries, and all connections with the nutrition service have been interrupted. This reorganization jeopardizes public health and prevention, which are essential to our territory.
- Contempt and malice of the deputy directors (DGA) and the director of Kaleveleve: Our hospital’s dedicated staff are being treated unfairly and cruelly. A brilliant physiotherapist’s contract was unceremoniously withheld, a laundress was transferred without notice, and a manager was demoted without any disciplinary notice. These arbitrary decisions have a profound impact on the morale and stability of our team.
- Abusive non-renewal of contracts: A competent doctor was not renewed with only two weeks to go before the end of his contract, without valid justification. This decision compromises the continuity of care and patient safety.
- Manipulation of the medical community: The director knowingly avoided holding elections and ignored the creation of a Medical Establishment Commission (CME), thereby depriving medical staff of any legitimate representation and promoting opaque and authoritarian management.
- Forced departure of a competent employee due to age: A dedicated employee, BW, was forced to leave his position due to his age, despite his impeccable work. This discriminatory decision shows a complete lack of respect for the experience and contribution of former employees.
Details from Setefana Fomeku, deputy secretary general of SACEWF SANTE, speaking to Louis Métivier.
And according to the unionists, the management was contacted several weeks ago, but negotiations have not been successful so far. This is why the CFDT Santé union is participating in this movement. Explanations from Laimoto Taufana, general secretary of CFDT SANTE, interviewed by Louis Métivier.
In response to staff demands, the director of the health agency granted an interview to our team. Laurent Bien is interviewed by Louis Métivier and Patita Savea.
The unions also signed a petition calling for the resignation of management. They also “call on the hospital’s board of directors and supervisory authorities to intervene quickly to ensure a transition to new management, which will embody the values of transparency, ethics, and respect for all staff.”