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Stadtjugendring invites: Further steps towards children and youth participation in Wesel

For a long time, the Sadtjugendring (SJR) hoped to finally be able to meet in person again, as personal contact is particularly important when getting to know each other and can create trust. But those responsible on the board do not want to wait too long to finally continue the talks on child and youth participation.

Some of the members of the Wesel student representatives (SV) at the opening meeting in the meeting room have already been followed up and put on the track.
Now it is time to continue the dialogue between youth associations and student representatives.
Everything that has happened in between should be reported briefly. In her invitation to the SV, the chairman of the SJR, Michaela Leyendecker, formulated three important points of conversation:

  • Which topics will be particularly important for children and young people in Wesel in the near future?
  • How can a common representation of interests for all children and young people in Wesel look like?
  • Is there any interest in the U18 election for the federal election in September?

The ZOOM conference is scheduled for Thursday, April 8th at 11:30 a.m. for schoolchildren in vacation mode. Moderator Simon Bleckmann from Eselrock eV plans around two hours and expects lively discussions.
His board colleague Michaela Leyendecker is looking forward to making a joint contribution to shaping the future of the city of Wesel.

If you want to take part in addition to the directly invited SV and clubs, you can register at [email protected]. The invitation link and all the necessary information about the ZOOM meeting will then be sent by email or whatsApp.

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