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Stadler recommends good preparation for the second booster in the fall

(sda) The task force sees in the Corona data that since the most recent opening steps, older people have increasingly been infected with the virus again, Stadler said in an interview with the Tamedia newspapers. However, hospital admissions have remained constant.

The immunity to severe courses does not seem to have decreased significantly in this group. “But we have to remain very vigilant. If that changes, it is in everyone’s interest that these people get a booster vaccination quickly,” said Stadler.

The key will be to plan this second booster vaccination early and well. In summer you have to know who you want to offer the vaccination to so that the vaccination campaign can be rolled out accordingly. These people should be able to be vaccinated in September so that Switzerland is ready when things start again in the fall.

She was very much in favor of making the vaccination available to everyone who wanted it, including younger people. The situation is comparable to the flu vaccination. Incidentally, the recent development of the corona virus has shown how well the vaccination works. It was only thanks to her that the Swiss health system was not overloaded.

In order not to have to start from scratch again in the future, a permanent exchange between science and politics should be institutionalized. When asked what would remain after the pandemic, Stadler named the mask. In the future, it should be seen much more often in winter – as a voluntary means of protecting oneself.

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